In this episode, I rant about the continued deterioration of the human condition under the curse. Modern humanity has displaced rational thought with the evil desires of the human heart and assigned a new role to the cognitive faculties: justify my evil desires and behavior and shape the will accordingly. As we carry on our lives, humanity has redefined life, marriage, sex, gender, masculinity, leadership, the family, and so forth. If God designed it, man hates it. And our churches are marching in lock-step with this insanity because they are filled with unregenerate sinners.
Preston Sprinkle Claims 90 Percent of Illegal Immigrants are Committed Christians
Preston Sprinkle, a name that has become synonymous with theological compromise and unbiblical sexual ethics, has built his career catering to and supporting a baptized version of queer theory that is infiltrating evangelicalism. As the founder of the Center for...