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Hasbro Announces Mr. Potato Head Will Now Be “Gender Neutral,” No Longer a Mister

by | Feb 25, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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In a never-ending attempt to uproot a society grounded in rational thought, leftists and queer theorists continue their assault on the minds of our children. In the latest attempt, Hasbro, the toy company making the decades-old toy, Mr. Potato Head, has announced that the toy will now be “gender neutral.”

According to the AP, the toy giant said they would begin shipping the classic kid’s favorite as simply “Potato Head,” confusing children and instilling in them an illogical worldview.

This move follows on the heels of other toy companies, such as Mattel, who have made similar announcements. In 2019, Mattel announced the company would be shipping a “gender-neutral” Creatable World Doll — a doll that let’s confused children become even more confused by allowing them to “select” the doll’s gender.

It’s no wonder why homosexual teens are committing suicide at alarming rates — they’ve been indoctrinated into a life of confusion with no hope apart from adding to that confusion. Nobody in their right mind enjoys being sexually confused and teaching kids that it’s okay to something you’re not is the ultimate confusion — it’s madness.

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There simply aren’t words to describe the mental faculties of the parents who would continue to purchase these toys for their children and propel them into a lifetime of confusion like this. The dotage inherent in liberalism is wildly incomprehensible. This is the height of derangement which can only logically end in the complete and total destruction of humanity.

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