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Beth Moore Says God is Judging His People Because They “Sinned Grievously” By Supporting Trump

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Abortion, Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Beth Moore is the Southern Baptist Convention’s top lady-preacher and prime merry-andrew of Evangelicalism. Beth Moore, like her spiritual brother, Russell Moore (no relation), has lead the charge in opposing conservative policies in the political realm, primarily railing against the evil orange man, daily.

Today, she has what she’s been asking for.

Moore has repeatedly lambasted conservative Evangelicals who supported Donald Trump while giving approval to those who support the pro-sodomy, pro-abortion anti-religious freedom political party. The Democrats, unlike the Republicans, stand for everything that God is against. In fact, the Democrat party platform is like the antithesis to the 10 Commandments. Yet, Beth Moore, like the growing swaths of leftist Evangelicals, are increasingly encouraging “political diversity” and giving approval to leftists.

Now, Beth Moore says that God is judging his people because so many Christians supported Donald Trump. In a series of tweets, she writes, “God’s got this thing about pride. He does not let it go unchecked. When his people continue in arrogance after multiple warnings, he is going to bring them down.”

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While she doesn’t exactly explain what she means by “bring them down,” one can only assume that she means that God is punishing them. Today, the world finds out that the incoming Democrat president plans to unleash upon the nation a depraved, confused, sexually immoral person to lead the nation’s health policy. In the words of John Calvin, “when God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.”

Of course, repentance, she says, is what we should have done.

Repentance, instead of what? Repentance, instead of “doubling down,” apparently. Because, apparently, in Beth Moore’s simplistic and feeble mind, Republicans — especially Donald Trump — are pro-death for everyone except straight, white men.

Therefore, God is judging the Church for sinning “grievously” by “wedding evangelicalism to a political party.” Because, it wasn’t about protecting religious freedom — that we all know is now gone. It wasn’t about protecting unborn life — that we now know will be in greater danger. It wasn’t about protecting the consciences of people who don’t want to be forced to deny reality when it comes to sex and gender.


It’s all about “power.”

Therefore, since so many Christians supported Donald Trump — cause, you know, all those white trailer park trash are all about maintaining their positions of power — God is releasing his judgment and the only way out is repentance.

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