Mecklenburg County, NC county manager, Dina Diorio, has warned residents to stay at home and only spend the holidays with people from their own household this Christmas. However, in typical Democratic hypocritical fashion, she was caught not following her own advice.
During a press conference on Monday, Diorio states, “For this holiday season, we ask that you stay home and only be around those who you live with.”
However, just moments later, when asked what she would be doing for the holidays, she says she’s traveling to Durham to be with family.
“I know who the family is. I know where they spend their time so I feel comfortable making that trip,” Diorio said. “It’s two people in a household. It’s not a group. It’s a very small number of people and I feel very confident about their safety.” she added that she was “making a personal decision” based on information that she had.
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