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California Judge Rules Strip Clubs Can Open, Churches Must Remain Closed

by | Nov 17, 2020 | News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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A California judge has ruled in favor of two strip clubs who filed suit against the the city of San Diego and ordered the city to allow them to open as state and local officials continue to crack down on church gatherings.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, “San Diego Superior Court judge Joel R. Wohlfeil ordered the state to end any actions that prevent the clubs from being allowed to provide live adult entertainment.”

Religious services, particularly Christian churches, have undoubtedly been unfairly targeted by leftist government officials seeking to silence these mostly conservative organizations while increasing their own power. In Los Angeles, well-known conservative pastor John MacArthur has faced draconian measures, multiple court battles and legal challenges — including the threat of jail time — and has even had utility services cut off in punitive measures against his church for meeting against the will of the government officials.

Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has been largely silent on the onslaught of attacks against conservative John MacArthur’s church while he has spoken openly and defended more progressive churches such as Mark Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

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Sadly, conservative churches have been left to fend for themselves in such leftist places as California while leftists continue to look out for each other. It is not known how or why it is believed that churches are more apt to spread the coronavirus than mostly naked strangers drinking alcohol and crawling around in strange people’s laps, suffice it to say that a church-free world is exactly what the draconian left wants and will do anything to get it.

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