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Pastor Says White People Haven’t Stewarded Their White Privilege Enough Like Nehemiah Did

by | Oct 1, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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If you go to a church that is fixated on racism and obsessed with things like “white privilege,” you are not in a biblical church and it is time to move on.

Wokeness is a cancer in the church that seeks to undermine the gospel with another gospel of social justice. Instead of the blood of Jesus being shed for the forgiveness of sins so that those who believe may have eternal life, Christ suffered on the cross and bore the social inequities of minorities at the hands of white people in order to bring about social change in society.

And, to the woke pastor, white people have failed miserably in “stewarding” their “white privilege” in order bring about this social change in society.

Pastor Tim Cain of Kaleo Church in California says, as he reads from 9Marks materials, that, like Nehemiah leveraged his privilege for the oppressed, white people must do the same for the oppressed in America. Of course, “oppression,” as used by woke theologians, is not quite the same thing as actual oppression that existed when the Scriptures were written.

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“Nehemiah stewards his privilege by taking it up and leveraging it for the sake of the oppressed,” Cain explains, “and solidarity with those who are suffering…for those of us who are white, this is not the way most of us have responded to our white privilege.”

Nehemiah “stewards his privilege by taking it up and leveraging it for the sake of the oppressed…[and] solidarity with those who are suffering…for those of us who are white, this is not the way most of us have responded to our white privilege.”

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