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JD Greear Wants to Rename Southern Baptist Convention to Appease Leftists Over Racism

by | Sep 15, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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A while back, Reformation Charlotte reported that the name “Southern Baptist Convention” had been scrubbed from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) website and re-branded, leaving hardly any reference to its original name. The move came as racial rhetoric in both the Church and in society are on the rise and leftists continue to push for a complete and total destruction of this nation’s history. Incredibly, it appears the Southern Baptist Convention itself wants to play the same game.

Greear, who is now serving a third term as president despite the fact that the SBC bylaws limit presidential terms to 2 years, is now theming the next annual meeting around renaming the denomination. Instead of Southern Baptists, Greear wants the denomination to be known as “Great Commission Baptists.”

“Our leadership affirms the decision made by messengers in 2012,” Greear said, according to Kentucky Today. “We believe now is a good time to use it due to the fact that the primary reason we are part of the convention is for the Great Commission.”

According to the Washington Post, Greear said the push for the change comes both because of the racial reckoning underway in the United States and because many have long seen the “Southern Baptist” name as too regional for a global group of believers.

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“Our Lord Jesus was not a White Southerner but a brown-skinned Middle Eastern refugee,” said Greear, according to the Washington Post “Every week we gather to worship a savior who died for the whole world, not one part of it. What we call ourselves should make that clear.”

Earlier this summer, Greear encouraged Southern Baptists to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement, ignore actual facts and statistics surrounding police shootings of blacks, and march with protesters while chanting their slogans. Greear’s church is not meeting for worship for at least the remainder of this year due to COVID-19, yet, his church participates in marches and protests against police.

The Southern Baptist Convention, for all of modern history, has spent an inordinate amount of time apologizing and “repenting” of its past support of slavery. While that history can’t be erased, Southern Baptist leaders continue to embrace movements in an effort to atone for it. One prominent racialist instigator at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary wrote a book, Removing the Stain of Racism from the Southern Baptist Convention, which outlined a path of endless penance that Southern Baptists could participate in to make restitution for slavery.

In 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention officially affirmed Critical Race Theory as a “useful tool” to understand how racism affects people in the Church and in society, despite the fact that it is opposed to a biblical understanding of sin and repentance.

The “racial reconciliation” movement in the Southern Baptist Convention has far exceeded anything even remotely similar to the Great Commission and, instead of renaming to the “Great Commission Baptists,” Greear should consider renaming the denomination to the “Social Justice Baptists.” It’s far more fitting once you see how much has been put into this endless and unbiblical movement.

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