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Former Christianity Today Editor Renounces Faith, Becomes Roman Catholic

by | Sep 10, 2020 | Apostasy, News, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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In what appears to be a never-ending string of apostasy among prominent Evangelicals, so many are turning away from the faith and embracing some form of self-gratifying self-loathing religion such as Eastern Orthodoxy or Roman Catholicism or becoming a self-described atheist, renouncing God altogether.

It began with Hank Hanegraaff, who is well-known as the Bible Answer Man, who then renounced his faith and was crismated into Greek Orthodoxy. Since then, several other prominent Evangelicals have renounced their faith, including a prominent Hillsong music author and writer.

Last year, the editor, Mark Galli, of the most widely-read Christian publication, Christianity Today, made headlines himself after he called for the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump and called on Christians to support that notion. Of course, the notion was absurd — and has proven to be — but it brought a lot of traffic to his website. Galli, who referred to God as the “divine drama queen,” received much praise from the Evangelical community at the time, including from one of Christianity Today’s most prominent contributors, Ed Stetzer.

Galli, unsurprisingly, has now departed the faith and plans to join the Roman Catholic Church.

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As RNS reported, “Galli’s journey to Catholicism is notable, in part because of the nation’s political climate.  A former Presbyterian pastor, Galli spent seven years as editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, the premier publication for evangelicals whose founder was the legendary evangelist Billy Graham.”

Galli, like so many Evangelicals, have succumbed to a weakened gospel — a gospel that has no power to save — one that denies the exclusivity of Christ, the finished work of the Christ on the cross, and the basic tenets of the faith that counterfeit Christianity offers. He, like so many, have no joined the ranks of the apostates who will only receive accolades from Evangelical cheerleaders who, instead of offering them sound reason and a call to repentence, will affirm them and, as Ed Stetzer does, try to “understand them.”

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