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The Gospel Coalition is Calling on Pastors to Discipline Members Who Read Too Much Online

by | Aug 25, 2020 | News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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It’s one thing that the government and leftists spend so many resources trying to censor the world from information, but when the Church does it, we’ve entered a completely different realm.

The Church has historically been a champion of freedom and free thought — it, in fact, spearheaded the movement that eventually brought us Western civilization. But, in today’s climate, Western civilization and freedom is considered taboo — even for most church leaders.

Today, being able to think independently and have original thoughts are something that very few people are able to tolerate. Being exposed to information that might make someone question the reality they’ve been spoonfed their entire lives is unthinkable for most people, so they just avoid it. But, a growing number of church members are now questioning the narrative that their churches have been feeding them as it pertains to politics and the theology that informs it — and church leaders are worried about their Kingdoms.

The internet — while heavily censored by Big Tech companies already — is still the place to go, if you know where to look, for information. And while most of the information is you find is heavily biased, the simpletons at The Gospel Coalition want you to believe that biased information is inherently evil and people are unable to sort through it on their own. In fact, The Gospel Coalition is calling on pastors to treat people who read “too much” information online as they would any “any other addiction” and discipline them while “pointing them” to “reliable [biased] resources.”

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Brett McCracken writes in an article titled Are Churches Losing the Battle to Form Christians? at The Gospel Coalition that “media habits should be a discipleship focus.”

Pastors, help Christians see the formational power of what they consume online. Show them how toxic a media diet can be when it’s heavy on partisan sources, cable news, and Twitter. Teach media literacy. Suggest digital fasts. Encourage them toward more reliable sources of wisdom… Point them to trustworthy online resources. Help them see the emptiness of newsfeed-style, remixed spirituality. Treat media gluttony and excessive internet time as serious pastoral issues on par with other addictions. Lovingly speak into the online habits forming your church members.  

The problem, however, is that pastors and church leaders aren’t addressing issues. Even the most well-meaning of them simply do not satisfactorily answer the question: how do we deal with cultural issues of today? Pastors, even when they do rarely address the issues, address it with so much nuance and ambiguity that nobody can walk away offended. Pastors aren’t connecting the dots between Scripture and cultural issues. Pastors are leaving their flocks with no choice but to figure things out on their own.

Partisanship is not inherently evil and especially not according to Scripture. Jesus himself said he came not to bring peace, but a sword. As Christians, we are not entitled to our own political views — we are obliged to seek God’s view on an issue and hold to that. Pastors are failing — massively — in this area. Their churches are filled with both Republican and Democrat voters. But, even those pastors who know that leftism is an evil that can’t be left unaddressed, they do so anyways. It’s half the church’s membership.

Just like David Platt who recently released a video encouraging church members to “come together” and look past each other’s political views and voting habits and worship together in unity, in the real world, and according to Scripture, this cannot be done. What accord does Christ have with Belial? None. While churches should be disciplining people who somehow come to the conclusion that it’s okay to vote for politicians who want to increase abortion, promote LGBTQ indoctrination, redistribute wealth, and promote violence and anarchy, instead, these feckless embiciles are calling on pastors to discipline “social media gluttony.”

What in the world ever happened to biblical truth in our churches?

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