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BLM Activist Assaults Black Man For Tearing Down BLM Signs, Threatens Kids

by | Jun 30, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Black Lives Matter is clearly not about black lives. If it were, you wouldn’t see stuff like this. A black man was tired of looking at the graffiti and vandalism, the endless trash, and the violence that the propaganda promotes all over a fence in his neighborhood. So he took it upon himself to walk across the street and rip down the eyesore affecting his and his family’s livelihood.

But that was a mistake. As soon as he did, a group of thugs walked up and started screaming and threatening the unarmed black man and warned him that it wouldn’t be pretty in front of his children if he showed back up over there again.

Warning, strong language. Watch with caution.

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