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Leftists Now Calling For Destruction of Historic Statue of Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther in Baltimore

by | Jun 24, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Leftists are idiots. Complete and total idiots. They never think things through and — for some reason — they tend to make the same mistakes over and over.

Part of the reasoning for this is that their hatred of anything and everything that opposes their progressive agenda causes them to destroy any and all history surrounding their object of hate. They hate Western civilization, so leftists are infiltrating schools and universities so that they can remake history. They hate capitalism, so they ignore the God-awful history of Communism and Marxism and promote these leftist ideologies to replace capitalism. And they hate Christianity, so they ignore the fact that godless societies historically have always led to oppression and injustice.

In the wake of the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, leftists are now utilizing this moment to erase America of all of its history. Not only are they tearing down statues that represent the Confederacy — a real and tangible part of America’s history and growth as a nation — they are tearing down Union statues as well.

Now, leftists are calling for even more than that. They are calling for the destruction of all Christian symbols, from stained glass to Roman Catholic idols, in the name of “racial justice.”

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Aiden Pink at The Forward, a progressive Jewish publication, is now calling for the destruction of a historic Martin Luther statue in the city of Baltimore, Maryland that has stood for nearly a century. He writes,

Luther, the founder of Protestantism, harbored a hatred of Jews that would influence Europe for centuries. The official Protestant organizations of Germany and Norway officially condemned Luther’s anti-Semitism in 2015.

Owing to his historical and theological significance, statues of Luther are still present at Protestant universities and seminaries across the United States. But there is one monument to him sitting on public lands: an 18-foot-tall statue in Baltimore administered by the city’s department of parks and recreation. The statue was erected in 1936 and had a rededication ceremony in 2011.

Among other statues and monuments around America, he gripes that Luther — the Reformer best known for reclaiming Christianity from the pagan Roman Catholic Church — was anti-Semitc.

Certainly, Martin Luther had a crude and crass approach to addressing the behaviors and the beliefs of the Jews at the time. Today, we might call Luther’s attitude politically incorrect. He did not mince words and stood his ground with them. And while many in history — as is always the case — have taken Luther’s words and views to an unthinkable extreme, that blame cannot be squarely laid on the shoulders of Luther himself.

On the other hand, as flawed of a man as he was, what Martin Luther represents to Christians is a revitalization and rediscovery of the Scriptures as the Word of God and a reliance on the sufficiency of Christ — central tenets of the Christian faith.

The bottom line is that it isn’t Martin Luther’s anti-Semitism (real or perceived) that bothers leftists. It isn’t the Confederacy’s defense of slavery that bothers leftists. It isn’t “white supremacy” or “white privilege” or “inequity” even that bothers leftists. It’s Western Civilization, founded upon a Christian worldview, that leftists actually hate. And even though Western Civilization is tainted with sin because people are sinners, it’s the fact that it is a civilization that is built on the fundamental principles of Christ that causes them to seek to destroy it. These other things are just excuses for making it happen.

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