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Pro-Gay Evangelical-Catholic Petition to Fire Al Mohler Receives 15 Thousand Signatures

by | Jun 12, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Every conservative Christian in the Southern Baptist Convention knows that Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and arguably the most influential leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, has been walking a fine line between the pro-social justice Marxist revolutionaries he employs at his seminary and the handful of conservatives that still exist in the denomination. Mohler, who says he rejects the social gospel but employs men who promote intersectionality and identity politics, has been under fire from both the left and the right. While trying to please everyone, he has effectively ticked off everyone.

While most conservative, anti-social justice Southern Baptists have been speaking out about his clear and decisive drift to the center-left over the last several years, Mohler is now under attack by another group — a pro-homosexual social justice Evangelical and Catholic alliance called Faithful America. Faithful America dubs itself the “largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice” and boasts well over 160 thousand members.

Their website bio reads,

We raise our collective voices through rapid-response campaigns that tap into the grassroots power of Christians across the nation. When corporations and religious institutions invoke religious freedom as a justification for bigotry and discrimination, we speak up. When hate groups purport to speak for Christianity, we act. We stand with our Catholic members to challenge the Catholic hierarchy in the United States to live up to the inspiring words of Pope Francis. We stick up for courageous Christian voices acting for fairness and freedom in every denomination, and we work together for immigrant and refugee rights, climate justice, and full LGBTQ inclusion, among other important social and economic justice issues.

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Now, this group has collected over 15 thousand signatures calling on Al Mohler to be fired from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for, well, not being “social justicy” enough. The online petition takes offense to a recent podcast where Mohler apparently failed to throw America’s police under the bus while martyring George Floyd, the man who was killed at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer who is now being charged with murder. In the podcast, Mohler threw Donald Trump under the bus for holding up a Bible at the Episcopal Church that was burnt down by rioters — but he also spoke badly of the Episcopal Church, a pro-sodomy institution that has abandoned God and the gospel.

“Not once between the May 25 death of George Floyd and the June 7 launch of this petition has Mohler, likely the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention, used his daily podcast to condemn white supremacy or police violence,” the petition reads, “Instead, he has often focused on condemning protesters, never even mentioning the word ‘racism’ except to disagree with a progressive Black writer.” Of course, anyone who knows Al Mohler knows that he has spent an inordinate amount of time over the last 6 years — at least — focusing on race, racism, and “white supremacy.” But that’s not enough for these sodomites and sodomite enablers.

All of this comes just two weeks after reports that Mohler defended slavery as recently as a 1998 CNN interview. It’s enough to make you wonder: Does Mohler feel like Black lives don’t matter?

All that can really be said about that is: LOL!

The bottom line is that if Mohler doesn’t decide where he stands decisively, he’s going to remain a political football between the conservatives and liberals in the Church. He’s never going to be able to please everyone, so he better stop trying. Stop leading from behind.

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