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ANTIFA Captures and Barricades Six City Blocks in Seattle, Forces Police Out

by | Jun 9, 2020 | News, Politics, Social Justice | 0 comments

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What we are seeing today is nothing short of a revolution and our civil leaders are complicitly sitting by and allowing it to happen. In the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, chaos and anarchy has ensued in cities around the country and even the world.

If you think for one second that what we’re seeing wasn’t planned and well-organized, you are a sad and naive person. But to think that our government would stand by and allow it to happen is unthinkable in America. But that day is here and the revolution doesn’t appear to be slowing down. If this doesn’t turn into all out civil war at some point, it will only be by the grace of God.

Churches and church leaders have joined hands with militant anti-government hate groups to protest the police and are aiding and abetting the riots, vandalism, anarchy, and destruction of our country. It is unimaginable that we would ever see a day like this in this great country.

Two of the most notorious domestic terrorist organizations in America right now are Black Lives Matter, and even worse, ANTIFA — a well-organized group self-described anti-fascist revolutionaries hell-bent on the destruction of Western civilization and replacing it with an oppressive communist regime devoid of Constitutional liberties. And now, they are physically taking over cities and forcing police out.

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According to eye-witnesses and reports from the streets, ANTIFA has taken over at least six city blocks in the far left city of Seattle, WA and has barricaded the streets off as they call for militia groups to “defend” the borders. The militants have dubbed it the “autonomous zone” and have, according to witnesses, created their own rules.


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