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Amid 18 Murders in 24-Hours, Leftist Chicago Mayor Urges Residents Not to Defend Themselves

by | Jun 8, 2020 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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It is literally impossible to make up the clown show that we see right before our eyes taking place in liberal cities all over the country. In the wake of the most violent day in Chicago’s modern history — as 18 murders were committed in 24 hours — Chicago’s Democrat Mayor Lightfoot is urging that instead of protecting yourselves, your property, and your communities, that you call 911 and she promises that the police will be there.

Nevermind that these same liberals all over the country are arguing for the abolition of police altogether — and it’s pretty obvious that Chicago’s murder rate exemplifies exactly what life without law enforcement would look like. But that doesn’t seem to click with the liberal peanut gallery who continue to desolate their cities with leftism.

Which cities are all of the mass chaos and anarchy taking place in? Liberal cities. Which cities are the ones with the highest crime rates? Liberal cities. Which cities have the highest incidents of police brutality? Liberal cities. Perhaps, instead of blaming senseless police brutality on white supremacy and racism, we need to look a the real cause — leftism.

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