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Pride Marches Canceled, So Joel Osteen Marches With ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in Houston Instead

by | Jun 3, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Racialism, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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In the midst of outright chaos across the country in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, anarchy has broken out in cities all over the country. Stores are being looted. Buildings are being burnt to the ground. Cops are being murdered. And complete and total destruction is the end goal of far-left activists like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA who, for the most part, are running the show in these city streets.

Despite the fact that there are a few peaceful protesters, it is undeniable that these protests are not peaceful. And in the midst of the complete and total act of defiance against law and order, anyone in these streets marching with these people should be seen as participants. Their very presence is an act of approval of what is taking place — even if you speak against it.

From a Christian perspective, it is normally best to disassociate from chaotic rebellion against government–especially when the cause has devolved from a righteous movement to an unrighteous power grab with an end goal of the destruction of Western civilization. But, Joel Osteen is not a Christian — so what should we expect?

Joel Osteen — a fake pastor and pretend Christian — has, however, been spotted marching along with these hooligans in the streets of Houson, TX, where his multi-million dollar enterprise is headquartered. Almost exactly a year ago, he was spotted with LGBTQ champion, Lady Gaga at her pride celebration at Apollo Theater. I guess since pride festivals have been canceled, this is second best for him. At least he’s wearing a mask.

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