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Kenneth Copeland Says His Kids Prayed For a Boat and God Gave Them Two

by | Apr 29, 2020 | heresy, News, The Church | 0 comments

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Kenneth Copeland is a multi-millionaire — a self-proclaimed billionaire, in fact — with a personal private jet and a mansion fit for a king. Copeland has gained his wealth by fleecing unsuspecting people in the name of Jesus in exchange for a false gospel — the prosperity gospel. The vast majority of those Copeland fleeces never see the health and wealth promised to them in exchange for “sowing seeds” into Copeland’s ministry. Sadly, most of them have never heard the true gospel and many of them will duly die in their sins unsaved.

But Copeland hasn’t stopped fleecing unsuspecting people — he tells people that even if they lose their jobs during the coronavirus, they have to still keep giving him money for their blessings.

In other news, Copeland is now telling everyone that because his kids “prayed for a boat,” God decided instead to give him two.

“They came in one day and they said, “Daddy, we want a boat!”… “You may have a boat, but I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do. This is gonna be your faith project. You’re gonna believe this boat in…”

Well, I forgot about it. Ten days later, I got a phone call…

This is allegedly when his friend, Monty, called him and told him, “The Lord spoke to me and told me to give you my boat.”

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Well, supposedly the very next day, his friend up in Nebraska called him “nearly in tears” and told him, “God told me to give you my boat.”

Kenneth Copeland is a liar and a tool of the devil. He has made millions and millions of dollars by lying to people in the name Jesus. There is a special place for people like this and we hope that he will see his error and come to the true and living Christ before it’s too late.

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