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Virginia Passes Legislation Forcing Churches to Allow “Transgender” Males into Women’s Bathrooms

by | Apr 17, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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While the world is focused on the coronavirus pandemic, Virginia Governor Ralph (Blackface) Northam signed a stack of bills pushing radical legislation including one that now forces all organizations that are “not open to the public” to allow “transgender” people to use the restroom of their choice.

In a statement following the passing of the legislation, Northam opined, “This legislation sends a strong, clear message—Virginia is a place where all people are welcome to live, work, visit, and raise a family.” Of course, all people are not welcomed in Virginia — especially those who hold to a conservative or Christian sexual ethic. The new law, in fact, forces those who hold to a sane, moral sexual ethic are either forced out of the state or forced to act in opposition to their conscience.

The new law which was sponsored by two Democrats, Delegate Marcus Simon and Senator Jennifer Boysko, offers a very narrow exemption for certain businesses or organizations that are “not in fact open to the public.”

The exemption as it is written states,

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The provisions of this section shall not apply to a private club, a place of accommodation owned by or operated on behalf of a religious corporation, association, or society that is not in fact open to the public, or any other establishment that is not in fact open to the public.

But most churches are open to the public. Most churches welcome the public at any time during any service and many even offer services geared specifically to the public, such as English classes, food pantry and clothing services, shelter services, counseling services, concerts and conferences, and more. These churches will be either forced to close their public services and become “private clubs” or comply with the new radical bathroom laws.

What’s the difference between Northam’s radical anti-Constitutional anti-Christian posse and the Chinese Communist Party? Not much. This new law sends a clear signal to Virginia’s faithful that Christiani thought, ideology, and free expression and practice of religion will not be tolerated in the state.

Warning to fake “fact-checking” websites, you have a responsibility to prove beyond any doubt that in a court of law, churches who hold public services would not be forced to follow this law.

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