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Ed Stetzer Scrubs Paragraph From CT Article After “Conspiracy Theory” He Denied Proved Likely to be True

by | Apr 16, 2020 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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Ed Stetzer is a former Southern Baptist Convention LifeWay executive who, for years, peddled heretical garbage about a kid who visited Heaven even after the kid retracted the story and denied it. For years, Stetzer has peddled spiritual conspiracy theories in the name of Jesus for cold, hard cash and at the expense of sound, biblical doctrine. For years, Stetzer knew — and still knows — that this garbage he served up to faithful Evangelicals was trash that only gullible people with no modicum of biblical grounding would buy up.

Yet, he did so anyways.

Now, in a scathing piece at Christianity Today, Stetzer lectured Christians about being “gullible” and “buying into” conspiracy theories about the coronavirus and practically told us that we’re all too stupid to really see what’s going on, so just let the experts — him — tell us what’s really going on.

In that piece, he wrote — in a now-deleted paragraph which, for now, is still available on Google Cache — “In a study just published by Pew, almost 30 percent of Americans believe the theory that is “almost certainly not true” about the novel coronavirus being concocted in a lab. The largest group in the study to affirm this was conservative Republicans at about four in ten (39 percent). That group would also be the most religious group.”

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Yet, now that only a couple of days later this “conspiracy theory” has actually been turned around and is most definitely, undeniably true, Stetzer deletes that paragraph from the article and re-words it to say, instead,

Yet now, it appears we are dealing with a new flood of conspiracy theories. Take a look at the list on Wikipedia, or just search for yourself using a few keywords. They are as diverse as they are strange.

And Christians are sharing them. Again.

In typical Ed Stetzer fashion, instead of owning up to his obvious error and just admitting that people aren’t as stupid as he thinks they are, he just “canerizes” it (a term attributed to Ergun Caner who was caught scrubbing evidence of his misdeeds from the web).

But why should we expect anything less? After all, this is the same guy who accepted exorbitant gifts from the fallen, abusive pastor, James MacDonald and “knew nothing” of his misdeeds.

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