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Breaking: Kansas Legislature Overturns Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order for Churches

by | Apr 9, 2020 | News, Politics, The Church | 0 comments

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The Kansas state legislature has overturned the Democrat governor, Laura Kelly’s stay-at-home order for churches during the coronavirus outbreak. The measure was set to go into effect this week but the legislature overruled the unconstitutional power-grab by the state’s leader against religious freedom.

While many churches in the state have already moved to live streaming — and while it can be argued that this is the right move for some areas — many counties in the state have no cases at all of the novel coronavirus.

While some churches that have been identified as hotspots for the coronavirus should exercise wisdom and self-isolate the sick and protect the vulnerable, the Kansas legislature has argued that a one-size-fits-all move to forbid all churches from meeting is not the answer.

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