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ABC News Anchor Asks Mike Pence if He “Talks to God” About How Many People They’ve Killed

by | Apr 3, 2020 | News, Opinion, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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ABC News Anchor Byron Pitts interviewed Vice President Mike Pence last night trashing his faith and asking him “when you talk to God in your moments alone, do you find yourself worrying at all that people you represent and care deeply about have died — and will die — who did not need to because of steps the federal government did not take soon enough?”

Mike Pence, being unphased by the loaded and bigoted question, responds gracefully,

Well, thank you for mentioning that we are talking about one American at a time and I promise you, that’s the way President Trump thinks of this, it’s the way I think of it. We wanted the American people to see the numbers so that we understand the challenging days that lie ahead, but I want people to know that our future is in your hands, that if every one of us will do and put into practice the Guidelines for America that we can bring those numbers down. I — I really do believe we’ll get through this and we’ll come out stronger than ever before.

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Pitts, who claims to be a Christian but clearly does not understand the gospel as he has embraced the social justice movement that so many professing Christians have, asked several other questions during the interview as well including a possible national stay-at-home order and discrepancies in the reports of the distribution of medical supplies to various states who claim they aren’t getting what they need.

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