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NYC Mayor Issues Dire Warning, Threatens to Shutdown Churches Permanently for Noncompliance With Shutdown Orders

by | Mar 30, 2020 | Censorhip, News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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What we’ve seen in the last month since the coronavirus outbreak is a serious push from big government to take away our liberties and rights as individuals in this country. While the government has ordered shutdowns and stay-at-home orders for the vast majority of the country, many services have been deemed “essential businesses,” including abortion clinics, and are allowed to stay open.

Churches, not so much. In fact, NYC mayor, Bill de Blasio issues a dihttps://archive.org/download/o92ultcytmk2oww/O92ULTcYTM_k2owW.mp4re threat to churches yesterday warning them that if they don’t comply with the shutdown orders, they may be shutdown by the government forever.

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