New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has been heralded as a great leader over the last few weeks for his handling of the state’s coronavirus pandemic which is currently the largest in the country. Admittedly, the Democrat governor has worked well with President Trump and seems to have placed politics aside to lead the state through this crisis.
While it is commendable that Cuomo — and (some) other Democrats — have stepped up and put their politics aside to work in a bipartisan way to help solve the country’s problem, it should be noted that God still hates abortion.
You may remember that a little over a year ago, Andrew Cuomo signed one of the most atrocious abortion bills in the country which allowed abortions up to birth for any reason. According to estimates, 105,380 abortions were provided in New York in 2017. And since then, that number has likely only grown year-over-year.
Andrew Cuomo, however, in typical Democratic hypocrisy, announces that he will fight to “save every life we can.”
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Cuomo’s comments come in response to Donald Trump weighing the possibility of easing restrictions on U.S. residents in favor of keeping the economy moving. Some, including Cuomo, have interpreted that to mean that we’re exchanging lives for the economy — which is demonstrably false.
While Cuomo’s fighting for the lives of his state’s residents is commendable, the hypocrisy comes as he shows himself not to care about the lives of the unborn. And, we’re not even talking about small fetuses — which, by the way are just as human as a 25-year-old adult. We’re talking about allowing the abortion of a 9-month (gestational), fully-devoloped child that can be killed in the womb right before birth.
This is insane and it shows why we, as sane life-loving people cannot place too much faith in these people as they exploit hundreds of thousands of lives every year for the sake “ease” and “convenience,” declaring themselves the right to choose who lives and who dies in the womb, but when it comes to people outside of the womb, they act all self-righteous.
It should be noted that his desire to save the lives of New Yorkers is commendable — but it is his desire to allow the deaths of innocent children in the womb that we should all be repulsed by.