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SBC President Partners With Nancy Pelosi’s Radical Anti-Semitic Islamic Extremist to Promote Muslim-Christian Unity

by | Mar 9, 2020 | News, Opinion, Terrorism, The Church

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J.D. Greear has been a completely different kind of president than any other Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) president in history. Greear’s political and theological progressive bent can be compared to that of the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church who has been the face of the liberal shift in conservative religious circles.

Greear has ushered in a new era for the denomination with his liberal rhetoric — from calling on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights to now calling on Christians to stand up for Islamic rights — he has helped move the denomination from a solid, biblical God-honoring foundation to one that defies the mission of the Church.

Last week, Greear met with Omar Sulieman, a radical Islamic leftist extremist who has been denounced by conservatives across the globe for his anti-semitic views and rhetoric. Last year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited him to give the opening prayer which was deemed a “terribly bad call” by Republicans. Sulieman has repeatedly called for the Third Intifada, an uprising of Palestinians against Israel and has cursed Zionists as the “enemies of God,” compared “apartheid Israel” to the “Nazis,” claimed that Gaza was enduring “a Holocaust,” denounced the “Israeli regime” as “terrorist,” and compared the Israeli army to the Taliban.

Sulieman is clearly and without a doubt a radical Islamic extremist who hates Judeo-Christian who has mesmerized undiscerning and unintelligent Christian leaders such as Greear and Matt Chandler.

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During the meeting which was sponsored by the Veritas Forum and Neighborly Faith — ecumenical organizations that serve the purpose of seeking common ground between Christianity and paganism — and hosted at NC State, Greear and Sulieman discussed issues such as mutual suspicion between Christians and Muslims. It was clear that Greear is highly uneducated on Islam and especially the history of Sulieman himself.

During the meeting, Greear insisted that Christians should be fighting for the rights of Islamics to spread their false religion because, according to Greear, that’s what the parable of the Good Samaritan was about and that’s what Jesus “would do.”

Greear stands in opposition to the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2016 resolution that supports the right of Israel to exist as a sovereign nation and rejects any calls or advances to boycott the nation. By partnering with Sulieman, Greear gives tacit approval to Sulieman who supports The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

Bottom line, Greear shows his ineptness as a leader by sitting on stage, listening to this anti-Islamic, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian extremist lie and say he wishes for peace and buying into it indiscriminately all while throwing Christians who reject the Islamic radicalization of the West under the bus. Sulieman does not wish for peace, he wishes for the destruction of Israel, the destruction of American Western civilization, and the destruction of Christianity.

And he’s willing to lie to do it — and J.D. Greear is helping him.

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