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PCA Church Hosts Transgender LGBTQ Arts Festival

by | Mar 6, 2020 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church

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Memorial Presbyterian Church (PCA) — that is, from the “conservative” denomination, not the completely apostate PCUSA denomination — has been drawing a lot of controversy over the last few years for its promotion of homosexuality and LGBTQ issues. The church originally made the news when it hosted the first Revoice “gay Christian” Conference in 2018.

Subsequently, the pastor of Memorial PCA, Greg Johnson came out of the closet as a homosexual and the denomination did very little to discipline the church and its leaders.

Further making the news, the pastor, appearing on the Cross Politic podcast, told listeners that he was open to holding a pedophile conference at his church and has made it clear that he and his church are all in on the “gay Christianity” movement.

So, unsurprisingly, this same church hosted a transgender LGBTQ arts festival in its chapel — which, according to the venue’s website, is fully supported by the church and its volunteers to showcase the voices and artwork of people they support and believe should be heard.

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Artists are gifted storytellers.  Our support of their music, artwork, theatrical expression, or an eclectic combination thereof, brings joy to our Creator and beauty to our city.

So, before anyone just says that the church offers up a venue indiscriminately, they actually support the people they bring in and claim that it “brings joy to our Creator.”

No. No. No. And no.

Parading sodomites around on a church’s altar does not bring joy to our creator — He hates it. But that doesn’t stop this church from doing so anyway as they hosted the Q Collective “Transluminate” arts festival in February.


According to the event website, “Transluminate is a short-play festival and celebration of transgender, agender, non-binary, genderqueer, and genderfluid artists” which featured several performances including a man “reflecting on the loss of his masculine self” as he “transitions” into a woman, and women injecting themselves with testosterone.

Sure, we can see how that brings joy to our Creator, right?

Other performances include, “A human wants to transform into another species and must decide which kind to choose. They visit different worlds to try their selections with the help of a spaceship,” and “Joe, a transgender man, and Shawna, a transgender woman, are married, and Joe is carrying their child…” The event website even comes with a warning,

Content Warning: Plays may contain adult language and frank sexual situations

Why is this church not booted from the PCA?

H/T Janet Mefferd and Warhorn Media

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