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The Gospel Coalition Continues to Push Anti-Conservative Politics While Legitimizing Democrat Voting

by | Mar 2, 2020 | Abortion, Feminism, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church

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It’s no secret that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a politically left-of-center organization that is designed to delegitimize the conservative voting bloc of traditional Evangelicals who hold to biblical values. While claiming that they are motivated by the gospel to steer clear of political persuasion and influence, one must question the sincerity of that point with the constant pandering to leftist politics that continually oozes from the seems of TGC.

It goes without saying that the Democrat party in America is as far away from anything that resembles holiness or godliness as an organization could be. From the expansion of abortion to the relentless push for gay rights to any biblically-minded Christian it should be clear that one can either be a Democrat or a Christian, but it is impossible to be both. It’s baffling that we constantly have to push this point home with the effeminates of Evangelicalism who insist that it doesn’t matter who we vote for, so long as we’re not “tribalistic” about it.

In a recent article by Brett McCracken at TGC titled We Need Prophets, Not Partisans, the author argues that Evangelicals need to stop being so set on their political views and just be “prophetic from the center.” What does that mean exactly? Since the overwhelming majority of Evangelical Christians throughout history are conservative and vote that way, he argues this needs to stop and we need to be more “nuanced,” allowing for other political views. We “should all be scared,” he argues, by these “extremist times.”

Of course, by “extremist,” he means those who actually think that voting for candidates that represent the views of Satan himself is a bad thing to do. He argues that these “extremists” are “all in or all out” and don’t do enough thinking for themselves to be able to see that there are good things and bad things that they can agree with in both parties if they just gave it some thought. Instead, he argues, Christians are “catechized” by mainstream media and Twitter.

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With the exception of some of the far-right religious leaders like Robert Jeffress — who’ve turned the current presidency into an idol — the vast majority of mainstream conservative Evangelicals do not recognize the Republican party as an “all in” thing. However, this does not equate to making room for the Democrat party. The Republican party is far from being the party of God — but the Democrat party has arguably moved further left than Satan himself. There is absolutely not one thing in the Democrat party platform that can be justified biblically — not one.

So why shouldn’t we be loud and vocal about it? The Scriptures call on Christians to stand up for what is right. The be a voice for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8). Telling conservatives to be more “nuanced” and to allow room for godless Democrats to evangelize the Church is to ask us to sin.

I, for one, will not be quiet.

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

James 4:17

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