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Woke Evangelicals Launch Defense of Russell Moore Amid Liberal ERLC Investigation

by | Feb 19, 2020 | News, Opinion, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church

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Yesterday, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee, which is overseen by Ronnie Floyd and JD Greear, announced they were launching an investigation to study the negative effects that the ERLC has had on Cooperative Program giving. While some were optimistically enthusiastic over the announcement — that it appeared that they were taking steps to “control” the liberal drift of the ERLC — to most discerning individuals, it is clear that this is nothing more than a smokescreen designed to exonerate Russell Moore.

Nothing could be clearer than the vast majority of woke leadership in the denomination throwing their support behind the ERLC. Today, one of the most outspoken racial agitators in the denomination — who has incidentally been quiet for quite a while — has opened up in full support of Russell Moore and his progressive record at the ERLC. Thabiti Anyabwile — pastor of Anacostia River Church who said all white people are responsible for killing Martin Luther King — defended Moore today on Twitter:

I think 
 has done more to strike a truly prophetic rather than partisan stance than any leader to date. And that courageous leadership has done more to make the SBC as biblically relevant, culturally inclusive, and gospel advancing as it's ever been.

When receiving pushback, he doubled down,

Of course, Anyabwile isn’t the only person to throw his support behind the racialist, divisive entity that Southern Baptists continue to fund. Jemar Tisby, who relentlessly pushes for reparations and says that white people must “atone” for their sins by doing so and also says that being around too many white people can “adversely affect” your mental health, also supports Russell Moore:

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It should be evident by the support that the ERLC receives from individuals like this that its past time to end the ERLC. But sadly, that is not going to be the case.

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