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Church Devoid of the Gospel Dwindles from 700 Members to 15, Closes Doors This Past Weekend

by | Jan 27, 2020 | Abortion, Blog, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church

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While the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) has experienced an enormous amount of decline over the past decade, these churches which have abandoned the gospel in favor of homosexuality and social justice — two ideologies that go hand-in-hand — are having a hard time understanding why.

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

Revelation 2:5

Perhaps there was a time decades and decades ago that the Presbyterian Church told The Herald-Dispatchwas a thriving denomination that preached the gospel and expounded the Scriptures as though they believed them. Sadly, they do not, and sadly, God has removed their lampstand.

One once-thriving church that turned gay-affirming and liberal shuttered its doors this weekend. Robert Warren, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Sterling, KY gave the last sermon to the parishioners at Beverly Hills Church this church on Sunday as the church which once boasted 6-700 members had dwindled to only about 15. The current “pastor,” Cinda Harkless told The Herald-Dispatch that the church was faced with the hard questions about their sustainability and made the decision to permanently close.

Yet, once a church has turned away from the gospel and turned toward embracing the culture of the world — things like social justice, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, and other trendy things the world loves — the church’s ultimate fate is death.

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“It was a mission of First Presbyterian Church, as many of the churches around Huntington were,” Harkless said according to the Herald-Dispatch, “It was organized by a missionary to Japan, Dr. Charles Logan, and our stained glass windows reflect his faith. It was organized with a deep sense of social justice, and the congregation focused its ministry on outreach efforts to serve the needs of others.”

Sadly, most churches in this failing denomination have faced the ultimate reality that God will not sustain a church that does not honor and bring glory to Him.

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