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Jen Wilkin of Village Church Says Women’s Periods are a Parable of the Crucifixion

by | Dec 13, 2019 | heresy, News, The Church, Theology

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In one of the most asinine things I’ve ever heard come from the lips of a proclaimed “Bible teacher,” Jen Wilkin, a teacher at Matt Chandler’s Village Church, says that women — because they bleed during their period — have special insight into the crucifixion.

These people seriously just make stuff up. Besides being gross and comparing something the law says is “unclean” to something as Holy and perfect as the crucifixion, it’s literally absurd and foolish. What she says is no different than what the pagan fertility cults taught.

Wilkin is a feminist who continuously pushes for local churches to adopt an ideology that elevates women to the teaching role of men in their congregations. She publishes Bible studies and books that are disseminated widely throughout SBC churches and book stores. Besides being completely woke and on board with social justice, Critical Race theory, and intersectionality, this recent video that surfaced is among the worst things that anyone could ever say from the pulpit.

“I want you to think for a second about what the implications might be about the way that women understand the gospel as a result of being embodied females,” Wilkin says, “women’s bodies every 28 days tell them a parable about the shedding of blood for the renewing of life.”

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One Twitter user commented,

This is what happens when women step out of their God-ordained roles and try to act like men. Jen needs to sit down and find a way to humble respect and obey God’s command for her to love her husband, teach her children, and manage her home. This is absolutely terrible.

(Source: Twitter)

For context, the entire “sermon” can be seen below.

[fvplayer id=”91″]

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