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Former Megachurch Pastor Refuses to Answer Question About His Sexuality, Says He’s “Very Comfortable” With It

by | Nov 30, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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You may remember that Reformation Charlotte broke the story in July that Joshua Harris, the former Purity Culture megachurch pastor, renounced his faith as he gave way to the LGBTQ guilt mafia. After Harris announced he was divorcing his wife, he followed suit that he no longer believed in the Christian faith and subsequently apologized to homosexuals for preaching against their aberrant lifestyle.

Soon after, Harris was seen at gay pride marches fellowshipping with homosexuals, wearing rainbow-colored paraphernalia, and eating rainbow-colored donuts. It is unknown what other rainbow-colored experiences he had on that day. However, one thing is for certain — he went from preaching a biblical worldview on sexuality to the extreme opposite, the total embrace of sexual immorality.

While the chain of events has been interesting to watch — divorce, followed by the renunciation of Christianity, followed by an apology to homosexuals, followed by marching in gay festivals with them — the most recent link in his journey to find himself is quite odd.

It is difficult to ascertain beyond all doubt, however, in the recent video below published by Harris, Harris appears to be stoned as he holds up a magazine of a shirtless male celebrity — one who is most likely gay himself — while praising his hair and fantasizing about how cool it would be to hang out with him.

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All this does is raise more questions about Josh Harris. Harris, who was recently interviewed by Axiom on HBO was asked about his sexuality, to which he refused to give a direct answer,

I don’t like to answer that question because there are so many people that want me to give some sort of answer that I think will allow them to again label and categorize me. So I think I would just say I’m very comfortable with my sexuality … for me, it’s like if the answer to the question of my sexuality puts me inside or outside of your circle, accepted or unaccepted, then I don’t want to be friends, you know? F*** you and f*** your circle. That’s how I feel. And so that’s why I don’t feel any need to answer that question.

Part of the interview can be seen here, however, the entire interview is currently unavailable online.

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