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Crowd Goes Wild in Applause at Alabama Football Game When Trump Appears on Screen

by | Nov 9, 2019 | News, Politics | 0 comments

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The left-wing liberal media would have us believe that everyone hates Donald Trump — but this simply isn’t the case. Donald Trump has his flaws, for sure — and some, in fact, are serious. For one thing, the far-right Southern Baptists like Robert Jeffress hold him up as one of the greatest Christian heroes in all of history. In reality, Donald Trump is as far from Christ as one can be.

However, Donald Trump has proven himself to be a conservative and has governed like a conservative on more than one front. And the reality is also that most of America — despite the outspoken vocality of the left — are still sane and value conservative morals.

At a recent Alabama football game, Donald Trump was shown on the big screen and the crowd erupted in applause. See the video below.

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