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Justin Peters Calls Out Matt Chandler and Beth Moore at John MacArthur’s Truth Matters Conference

by | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog, News | 0 comments

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Justin Peters is one of the foremost apologists for cessationism in the Evangelical Church and he is a strong opponent of the continuation of the spiritual gifts.

Continuationism is a heresy that is rooted in the 2nd-century heresy known as Montanism that promoted the continuation of the apostolic sign gifts — namely prophecy. The heresy was condemned by the early Church yet has been revived in modern charismaticism primarily through Pentecostals.

However, mainstream Evangelicals — like Beth Moore and Matt Chandler — have embraced this heresy and even promote it in the Church. The movement is an absolute denial of the sufficiency of Scripture and should be opposed by every Bible-believing Christian.

See the video below beginning at about 6:20:30 mark.

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Update: The video has been temporarily taken offline. We will get it back up as soon as it is available again. Check back soon!


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