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Transgender “Pastor” Says “Transitioning” Cost Him His Family

by | Oct 15, 2019 | Blog, News | 0 comments

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Let’s just be clear about this — this man is not a woman nor is he a pastor. It’s sad that even have to lay these things out on the table in this day in age, but I do.

Now that the air is cleared, a man that calls himself a pastor but dresses and acts effeminate says that his “transition” cost him his family. Paul Williams, who changed his name to Paula when he began to act effeminate, was married with three biological children.

Paul recently sat down with Red Table Talk to talk celebrate his sexual immorality and rebellion against God — and how he and his family have dealt with the aftermath of his sin.

Okay okay — he didn’t word it like that, of course. But, well, that’s the bottom line.

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He told Red Table Talk,

I would like to have remained married but what makes this so tragic is you’re lesbian and she is not. That I think was the realization that she needs to be true to herself as well and she is not attracted to women. It has been devastating.

Yeah, that’s stupid. You’re not a lesbian. You’re a man and you’re a pervert. And you drug your family through the mud.

Paul’s daughter, Jana, was on the show, too, to express her thought,

When are you ever ready to see your father dressed up as a woman with make-up? She was showing us her clothes and I was truly excited for her because I could see she was glowing. But she was not my dad, so that was hard.

That’s right “she” wasn’t your dad … but HE is still your father — and the best thing you can do for him is to call him to repent.

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