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InterVarsity Introduces “Queer Bible Study” For LGBTQ “Christians” on University Campus

by | Sep 27, 2019 | Blog, The Church | 0 comments

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InterVarsity is a college campus ministry that touts itself as “a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty.” InterVarsity is an interdenominational Evangelical fellowship designed for college students to interact and fellowship with each other. But, like CRU — formerly Campus Crusade for Christ — InterVarsity has taken a progressive nosedive into apostasy.

InterVarsity is also known for its publishing branch, InterVarsity Press, which has published books from notable Evangelical authors as D.A. Carson and Tim Keller, co-founders of The Gospel Coalition. InterVarsity is closely tied to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and SBC churches have a habit of connecting their students to InterVarsity teams on campuses when they’re away at college. In 2016, InterVarsity officially affirmed that marriage was between a man and a woman, however, the organization has gay and lesbian groups on on campuses.

One such campus is at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where a Bible-study group has been formed and named, “Queer Bible Study.” According to the UMBC website,

The three-member Queer Bible Study is one of eight studies within the UMBC chapter of InterVarsity (IV), a nationwide interdenominational Christian collegiate ministry that is meant to build a faith-based community through reflection and student service. Walter, a member of InterVarsity since 2016, began the LGBTQ/SSA — Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Same-Sex Attracted — Bible study in 2018 because she wanted to help other queer, or non-heterosexual, Christians find the space to be themselves. “My mind is still blown that it even is allowed to exist because InterVarsity as a whole can be confusing to navigate as a queer person,” she said.

The group was started by a lesbian named Alyssa Walter who says she came out as a “queer Christian” in 2018. She said she felt she could not lead other “queer Christians” without being fully out herself.

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The entire group serves as a way to legitimize homosexuality and LGBTQ inclusiveness — something that InterVarsity has historically not approved of. But InterVarsity’s culture of inclusiveness has led them to compromise, like most Christian ministries.

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