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Liberals Angry Because Google Allows Crisis Pregnancy Centers to Run Ads Using Keyword “Abortion”

by | Aug 19, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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Liberals are angry because Google is allowing crisis pregnancy centers and other anti-abortion women’s healthcare organizations to run ads that target the keyword “abortion.” These people argue that only clinics that provide child-killing services should be returned when a user types in the keyword, “abortion.” However, when users type in this keyword into their search engine, ads and search results also contain information on organizations that oppose abortion and offer alternatives.

The liberals are arguing that the policy that Google allows this to happen is a “loophole” and that it should not be allowed. Of course, this is absurd. Especially for those who claim to be “pro-choice,” they sure do want to eliminate any option for saving the child.

The Guardian reports,

new Google policy that was meant to rein in deceptive advertising by “crisis pregnancy centers” has a loophole that is allowing the centers to continue to post misleading ads on the search engine.

Crisis pregnancy centers often seek to aggressively discourage women from getting abortions and have earned the ire of abortion rights groups for often seeming to resemble abortion clinics.

The loophole means only users who are specifically searching under the term “abortion” will be provided information on Google’s website about whether a particular health care clinic does – or does not – offer the procedure to women.

If a user searches under other terms, like “free pregnancy test” or “pregnancy symptoms”, no such information appears under the advertisements for the same clinics. While the difference might seem semantic, there is a worry that it will confuse women who might mistake a crisis pregnancy center for an abortion clinic.

The ability of crisis pregnancy centers to influence possibly vulnerable women with false information is seen by pro-choice advocates as a significant challenge at a time when access to legal abortion is being curtailed in many states across the US.

Google has denied that this is a “loophole” and insists that the policy is designed to show the results that are most relevant to the user. Of course, liberals don’t want that.

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