Ron Virmani is an abortionist at A Preferred Women’s Health Center in Charlotte, NC — the largest abortion provider in the Carolinas. Virmani was arrested for rape in 2014, but was never convicted and according to some sources, had his record expunged. Virmani was accused of sexually assaulting a 49-year-old woman who he invited to his home for a business meeting. Investigators reported that he raped the woman then refused to let her leave his home which led to his arrest.
In June of 1992, Virmani had his medical license suspended for improper sexual relations with a patient and in 2012, he came under fire for racist comments when confronted by pro-life supporters, he said,
“let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies.”
Interestingly, for an industry that claims to be all about women’s health, women’s rights, and women’s choice, this “doctor,” as he was pulling into the abortion clinic on Saturday yells out the window to pro-life supporters “rape them and send them here.”
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You can see the video below:
Below is a mugshot of Virmani from his 2014 arrest from Charlotte News Channel 9.

Novant Hospital (formerly Presbyterian) suspended Virmani’s privileges to practice for medical misconduct — Virmani has continuously alleged “racial discrimination.”