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TGC and The Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy

by | Mar 30, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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Yesterday, the term and theological category “Same-Sex Attracted Christian” didn’t even exist. Now it’s everywhere — seemingly in every pulpit, at every conference, in every book, in every periodical, in every blog, on every podcast. The tsunami alarm has been slow to sound, but it’s now clear that Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy is sweeping through Christ’s Church like a tsunami. Consider A.W. Pink’s Biblical definition of apostasy:

Definition of Apostasy

Evangelicalism’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian A-team

Today, Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry are unarguably The Gospel Coalition (TGC), Together for the Gospel (T4G), and 9Marks’ same-sex attracted Christian A-team! They are the go-to same-sex attracted Christian specialists, teachers, preachers, counselors, and authors we are told we must hear, we must read, and we must get behind. They’re in the lead and we all need to follow. TGC released an article titled, “Christians, It’s Time to Go on the Offensive,” March 18th, 2019, explaining their constant quoting, promoting, showcasing, and deferring to Allberry and Perry’s same-sex attracted Christian instruction, counsel, and writings. Here’s an excerpt:

*Homophobic = an irrational and unbiblical fear of the scorn of a God-hating culture given over to the embrace, celebration, and defense of homosexual perversion.

This article is an open confession of what we’ve been seeing for some time. The leadership of TGC, T4G, and 9Marks are homophobic. When you fear being called a “homophobic bigot” by a homosexual crazed world to the point you’re willing to exchange God’s Biblical moral terms (abomination, vile passion, against nature, shameful, etc.) for the world’s amoral terms (same-sex attracted, gay, LBGBTQI, etc.) you are in fact homophobic. Homophobic men systematically exchange God’s sin condemning terms for the world’s noncondemning terms because they fear homosexuals and our perverse, God-hating, Romans 1:18-32 culture’s wrath — more than they fear God.

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By their own confession, the homophobic men behind TGC believe Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry to be the “most credible” evangelical voices to speak our message to the unbelieving “world where Christians are seen as homophobic bigots.” Having forgotten the fear of God, TGC’s homophobic leaders are trembling before homosexual activists and a world gone mad in its embrace and celebration of all the things Romans 1:18-32 condemns with incredibly descriptive terminology.

Their intense fear of being “seen as homophobic bigots” for believing the Bible and using God’s Biblical terms has transformed them into homophobic leaders who are actively, habitually, and dogmatically exchanging the truth of God for the same-sex attracted Christian lies Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry are selling in their books and through their conference speaking fees. In full homophobic panic, TGC and much of Evangelicalism have thrown off God’s Biblical vocabulary terms as unnecessary, distasteful, divisive, unloving — even hateful.

You need only listen to Ligon Duncan’s Ligonier Conference Q&A commentary, do a quick survey of Sam Allberry’s livingout.org website, or read Jackie Hill Perry’s Gay Girl, Good God to see how God’s truth, moral terms, and holy commands are being exchanged for the world’s lies, amoral terms, and perverse counsel. TGC, T4G, and 9Marks’ esteemed leaders need to be warned that homophobia is a form of cowardice and “coward” is another unpopular Biblical term found very near “abominable” in Revelation 21:8.

TGC’s article deceptively assures evangelicals that God has raised up, “biblically faithful, same-sex attracted Christians…to speak for and to his church,” and that “We need to field our A-team in the public square. And the rest of us must follow their lead.”

There are several problems with that statement. Foremost, there are no biblically faithful, same-sex attracted Christians, as TGC, Sam Allberry, and Jackie Hill Perry define them. Bible-believing Christians need to categorically reject and expose TGC, Sam Allberry, and Jackie Hill Perry’s exchange of God’s true Gospel for a Same-Sex Attracted Christian False Gospel that leaves men and women perpetually enslaved to what the Bible calls abominable, unnatural, shameful, vile passions.

They boast the perverse acting out and unholy feeding of their vile passions through supposedly “non-sexual” hand-holding, hugging, cuddling, and kissing within live-in or casual relationships with other men and women who identify as same-sex attracted Christians. That’s right — Sam Allberry’s website encourages sodomy attracted “Christian” men to live with sodomy attracted “Christian” men, to hold hands, to hug, to cuddle, to kiss, and to raise children together (more on that below).

Those of us who still hold fast to the Biblical definition of repentance found in 2 Corinthians 7:11 must reject TGC’s false repentance that leaves men and women perpetually enslaved to vile passions. Those of us who still believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ saves sinners from both the eternal penalty and indwelling power of sin must reject TGC’s false gospel that leaves men and women enslaved to perversion and acting it out under the guise of sanctified same-sex attracted Christian affection.

We must not follow the lead of TGC, T4G, and 9Mark’s A-team but instead, follow the righteous lead of the Apostle Paul and stand firmly against their A-team’s perverse Sodomy Attracted Christian Cuddle Club. We must not follow the lead of Thabiti Anyabwile, Mark Dever, Kevin De Young, Ligon Duncan, Tim Keller, Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Ray Ortland, John Piper, David Platt, and Sam Storms’ A-team but instead follow the Gospel defending lead of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 1:6-9 and stand firmly against their A-team’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy.

Sam Allberry’s Appalling Counsel to “Same-Sex Couples”

Here’s an excerpt from Sam Allberry’s livingout.org website’s truly disgusting and dangerous Celibate Same-Sex Couples? article. Read it carefully. Think it through. Would we ever give this corrupt counsel to a heterosexual couple or to our own young adult children? No. We would say, “flee from sexual immorality,” and “make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts” (1 Cor. 6:18; Rom. 13:14). Are we really going to stand by while TGC and Sam Allberry teach the Body of Christ to allow sodomy attracted “Christian” men to live together, cuddle, hug, hold hands, kiss, raise kids together, and sing Amazing Grace just down the pew from us? The Lord of the Church gives a sober warning to those who allow sexual immorality to be taught to His Church in Rev. 2:20-23. Sam’s website and counsel are evil.

Living Out, Sam Allberry, Sean Doherty Excerpt

Sam Allberry’s Appalling Counsel to Parents of “Gay” Kids

Below, these next few paragraphs are a few excerpts from Sam Allberry’s livingout.org website’s truly foolish, disgusting, dangerous, grossly unbiblical, profoundly wicked counsel to parents of children who come out “gay.” As you read Sam’s counsel to parents think about the millions of Christian parents who are laboring to raise godly Christian children in our perverse culture, think about the thousands of brokenhearted Christian parents who are Biblically laboring to rescue minor and adult children from the Romans 1:18-32 sin that will destroy their children’s lives and damn their souls.

When minor teenage children do a Google search and find Sam’s livingout.org website in the midst of rebelling against God, rebelling against their Christian parents, and embracing our culture’s homosexual revolution — they’ll have TGC, T4G, and 9Marks’ A-team on their side when they tell their parents they should be allowed to have a homosexual boyfriend or lesbian girlfriend, that they should be allowed to sleepover (just not in the same room), and that whatever rules apply to their heterosexual children’s dating should be the rules that apply to their homosexual or lesbian dating.

When adult children find Sam Allberry’s website they’ll be able to tell their bigoted Christian parents that TGC’s A-team says they should be allowed to sleep with their “sexual partner” under mom and dad’s roof in the name of Christian hospitality. Sam Allberry’s profoundly wicked counsel opens the door for rebelling minor children to come out of the closet and demand the right to embrace and foster abominable, unnatural, vile passions with other minor children through dating relationships. Sam Allberry’s profoundly wicked counsel gives adult homosexual or lesbian children the right to demand full inclusion of their “sexual partner” into their family’s life, meals, birthdays, holidays, and home — including sleeping together in mom and dad’s house and committing sodomy down the hall from their younger siblings — because Christian hospitality is far more important than taking a stand against your son being sodomized under your roof.

Sam Allberry’s profoundly wicked counsel cuts the Biblical, moral, authoritative legs out from under godly parents contending for their children’s lives and souls. Rebellious children will use TGC’s A-team counsel against their righteous and loving mothers and fathers to argue that they’re being legalistic, homophobic, and hateful for taking the essential Biblical stands.

As a pastor of a local church, I have multiple mothers who have tearfully exhorted me to warn the Body of Christ that Sam Allberry’s website is an open door to Hell, full of same-sex attracted Christian doctrines of demons, that will only serve to undermine every Bible-believing Christian parent’s shepherding of their children’s souls. As a pastor of 20 years, I would further warn that Sam Allberry’s counsel will be used by rebellious children and adults embracing abominable, unnatural, vile passions to demand inclusion for themselves and their sin in the body of Christ.

When pastors attempt to uphold Biblical morality in accordance with 1 Cor. 5 and protect Christ’s Church from the leaven of perversion, they’ll be told TGC’s A-team says they’re being legalistic, homophobic, and hateful for taking essential Biblical stands. When pastors lovingly and faithfully preach, counsel, correct, rebuke, and carry out church discipline according to God’s Word on this issue, they’ll have individuals, families, or the entire church stand up against them shaking printouts from TGC’s A-team website as they tell their legalistic, homophobic, hateful pastors to shut up, sweeten up, or get out. TGC’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy lays a certain foundation for the future harm of individuals, families, churches, and pastors.

living out excerpt

Sam Allberry’s Appalling Counsel on Sexual Orientation

Sam Allberry’s livingout.org website urges pastors, Christians, and parents of kids who come out “gay” to help their congregants, fellow believers, and/or children to “accept themselves as they are” with their same-sex attracted Christian sexual orientation because “God accepts us as we are.” Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry’s perverse ministry and message aren’t new. Their predecessors were Balaam and Jezebel and they first taught the churches of Pergamos and Thyatira to commit sexual immorality.

TGC and Sam Allberry Respond to Criticism by Mounting a Defense of their Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy

TGC and Sam Allberry have been feeling a little heat over the last few weeks. It would be reasonable for them to write a clarification, a recantation, or even a rebuttal statement. They didn’t. Instead, they doubled down on social media rereleasing Sam’s old blog articles and coming out with a brand-new carefully crafted, well nuanced, highly deceptive article from Sam that in no way contradicts any of the perverse counsel and teaching on his livingout.org website. The men at the helm of TGC are fully conscious of Sam Allberry’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy, they’re fully committed to promoting and advancing it in Christ’s Church, and they’re fully committed to a deceptive defense of Sam Allberry as a credible Christian brother and his abominable doctrine as orthodox Christian teaching.

Protecting Christ’s Church From Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy — Even When Friends Promote It

Brothers and sisters — let’s not be TGC, T4G, or 9Marks useful idiots who continue to applaud them, buy their books, and attend their conferences no matter what false teaching they introduce to our churches, no matter what heresy they publish and peddle in their books, no matter what moral or theological perversion they or their A-team unleash in Christ’s Church like Balaam and Jezebel of old.

It’s long past time to take a stand against their Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy. It’s long past time to stop commending these men, their ministries, and their books until such a time as they Biblically repent with clear, unnuanced, public renunciation. It’s long past time to put these men out of our pulpits and their books out of our bookstores. Call them friends and brothers if you’re still convinced they are erring friends and brothers, but don’t stubbornly let your friends and brothers ravage Christ’s Church with their abominable doctrine like the unfaithful elders in Pergamos and Thyatira.

Faithful men of God don’t knowingly put unfaithful friends in the pulpit for the sake of maintaining fellowship and friendships — or for the sake of maintaining or extending the width and breadth of their ministry. Faithful men of God don’t knowingly lend credibility to dangerous teachers of dangerous doctrines and help draw a crowd to sit beneath their teaching by having their picture alongside and sharing a pulpit with unfaithful Balaams and rebel egalitarian Jezebels at compromised conferences that undermine “the Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

Faithful men of God love and protect the purity of Christ’s Church and the purity of Christ’s Gospel even when it costs them their fellowship and friendship with erring friends. Sometimes the best message you can preach when invited to speak at a conference is a public Jude 3-like explanation of why you can’t and won’t speak, can’t and won’t lend credibility, and can’t and won’t help gather a crowd to sit beneath dangerous teachers of dangerous doctrines.

Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s Bold Attempt to Negate the Clarity of God’s Unchanging Word

There’s an old adage, “If it’s new, it’s ain’t true.” Ask yourself this. Why haven’t we seen these Same-Sex Attracted Christian doctrines before? Where has The Gospel Coalition A-team’s counsel and teaching been for 2,000 years of Church history — other than in the churches of Pergamos and Thyatira?

The Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy answer to that question is, “Homophobic bigots hijacked the Bible for 2,000 years and mishandled God’s Word in order to foster and justify their heterosexual oriented prejudices against men and women with gay sexual orientation!” It is not a coincidence that full-fledged homosexuals give that same answer. Nor is it a coincidence that Sam Allberry’s rebel, Anglican priestess, egalitarian friends give a very similar answer in defense of female pastors and priestesses. Whether it’s sexual gender rebellion or ecclesiastical gender rebellion, gender rebellion is gender rebellion, thus the arguments in defense of it are all the same. Nevertheless, God’s Word is clear.

Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s Denial of Jesus Christ’s Command to Repent and Believe the Gospel

Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.

Mark 1:14-15

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy directly contradicts Jesus’ first recorded Gospel message. Men and women who declare their “gay” sexual orientation to be non-sin haven’t repented of their sin. Those who willfully reject sanctification haven’t repented. Those who willfully reject the renewing of their mind haven’t repented. Those who willfully reject the washing of the water of the Word haven’t repented. Those who justify and embrace a life of perpetual homosexual or lesbian attraction as lawful, sanctified, and holy — have not repented. In place of repentance they have simply declared their sinful rebellion against God’s design for their gender, their sexuality, their orientation, their emotions, and their attractions to be non-sinful. Furthermore, they have not believed the Gospel in that they have not genuinely confessed Christ as Lord, are willfully defending their perpetual “same-sex sexual orientation” lawlessness, and have not believed in the power of the Gospel to overcome the power of indwelling sin that has enslaved them.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy is a denial of the Lordship of Christ and a rejection of His resurrection power. Men and women who declare their “gay” sexual orientation to be non-sin haven’t confessed Christ as Lord. Those who willfully reject sanctification haven’t confessed Christ as Lord. Those who willfully reject the renewing of their mind haven’t confessed Christ as Lord. Those who willfully reject the washing of the water of the Word haven’t confessed Christ as Lord. Those who justify and embrace a life of perpetual homosexual or lesbian attraction as lawful, sanctified, and holy —have not truly confessed or bent their knee to Christ as Lord, or believed that they have died with Christ and been resurrected with Him to newness of life.

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!

Matthew 7:21-23

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy directly contradicts Jesus’ warning in Matt. 7, by claiming you can have deep-seated gender rebellion and lawlessness reigning in your heart and be a Christian too. Biblically speaking, men and women who declare themselves perpetual “Same-Sex Attracted Christians,” who “practice lawlessness” by fulfilling what the Bible calls “vile passion” through cuddling, hugging, hand holding, kissing and/or living together have allowed gender rebellion and lawlessness to reign in their hearts. They have willfully decided not to repent of their gender rebellion and lawlessness by redefining their gender rebellion and “same-sex sexual orientation” as lawful. They have consciously chosen to allow their ongoing gender rebellion and lawlessness to foster, going right up to the edge of a full sexual relationship, deceptively declaring their physical expressions of homosexual or lesbian affection (what the Bible calls abominable vile passion) to be lawful. They have not genuinely repented of their lawlessness. They have not genuinely forsaken lawlessness and confessed Christ as Lord. Unless, by the grace of God, they repent — they will hear, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”

Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s Denial of Biblical Repentance

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. 11 For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter.

2 Corinthians 7:10-11

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy is a brazen denial of God’s Biblical definition of repentance. God defines repentance, not sinful mankind. Consider God’s definition closely.

What diligence it produced in you! Diligence in attempting to put to death all vestiges of the sin that was once putting you to death is a mark of Biblical repentance. In direct contrast to the diligence spoken of in 2 Cor. 7:11, many “SSA Christians” (even those featured on livingout.org) continue to act, talk, and/or dress in a manner that is contrary to their God given gender. Furthermore, Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy demands that we accept perverse sexual orientation and not even attempt to diligently put vile passions to death through the ministry of God’s Word — because “attempting to change someone’s sexual orientation assumes being gay is more problematic than being straight.” Embracing Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy makes repentance impossible.

What clearing of yourselves! Men and women who have received the gift of repentance labor to be free and clear from the sin that once bound them. They don’t want to be anywhere near their former sin. They don’t justify sinful desires. They don’t defend perverse sexual orientation. They don’t talk about how they find the same-sex beautiful and want to be one with them and how now they are finding Christian ways to express those desires. They don’t foolishly claim expressing their vile passion through cuddling, hugging, hand holding, kissing, and/or living together isn’t sin, isn’t sexual, isn’t an ongoing feeding of abominable lust. That’s not clear at all. That’s not repentance.

What indignation! Repentant men and women hate the sin that once blasphemed their God with a holy hatred or indignation. Repentant men and women hate the sin that was destroying the lives and damning the souls of those whom they once engaged in it with. Repentant men and women hate the sin that was destroying their life and damning their soul. This Holy Spirit empowered hatred and revulsion does not leave you longing for past homosexual or lesbian lovers — or future ones. This Holy Spirit empowered indignation does not leave you under the delusion that you loved your past homosexual or lesbian sexual partners, or that they loved you. Contrary to the world’s mantra, repentant men and women are able to see, “Love is love!” is a lie. Repentant men and women are able to see and feel that “love” born out of abominable, unnatural, vile passion is in fact hate.

What fear! Repentant men and women fear God, thus they fear the sin they were once enslaved to that blasphemed God. Repentant men and women fear to get near anything associated with their former sin. The God-given response to fear is to flee, and that is what repentant men and women do, they flee from anything associated with their past sin. You’ll find same-sex attracted “Christian” men enjoy talking and writing openly about how they see men as beautiful, how they long to be one with them, and how their feelings and longings are not sinful in and of themselves and can find sanctified Christian outlets. Of course, Biblically minded Christians reject that outright as an abominable lie, a clear contradiction of Scripture, and a total lack of fear befitting repentance.

What vehement desire! What zeal! Repentant men and women are not passive. They’re not neutral. They’re not lukewarm. Repentant men and women are passionately against their former sin: well-practiced gender bending mannerisms, lisps, limp wrists, hyper-feminine speech, butch-masculine speech, cross dressing, feminine clothing, butch clothing, gender bending hairstyles, etc. Repentant men and women are zealously against doing anything, being anywhere, or being around anyone that is going to encourage compromise or in any way feed their former lusts. Repentant men and women zealously reject the idea of being permanently enslaved to vile passions and a perverse sexual orientation.

What vindication! Repentant men and women evidence a holy diligence, a holy clearing of themselves, a holy indignation, a holy fear, and a holy zeal that is wholly vindicating. Their repentance is evidently and undeniably empowered by God. Their repentance is undeniably God glorifying. Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy denies men and women any path to the glorious and genuine repentance and subsequent vindication that the Holy Spirit empowers and the Word of God so clearly declares!

In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter! It’s a shameful, heretical, hateful crime to accept Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s bankrupt and anemic false repentance that leaves men and women enslaved to vile passions having in no way proven themselves clear in this matter. Embracing Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy makes embracing Biblical repentance an impossibility.

Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s Justification of Evil Thoughts and Perverse Sexual Orientation

But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.  19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.  20 These are the things which defile a man.

Matthew 15:18-20

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy rejects the true Gospel that has the power to change the heart and is therefore forced to deny the sinfulness of vile passion reigning in the hearts of sodomite attracted men and lesbian attracted women. By default, when they created the term and theological category of “Same-Sex Attracted Christian” they justified the creation of a plethora of unholy terms and theological categories: Same-Husband Attracted Christian (polygamy), Same-Wife Attracted Christian (reverse-polygamy), Sibling Attracted Christian (incest), Mother Attracted Christian (incest), Father Attracted Christian (incest), Neighbor’s Wife Attracted Christian (adultery), Beast of the Field Attracted Christian (bestiality), Cadaver Attracted Christian (necrophilia), and Child Attracted Christian (pedophilia) would just be the beginning. With their fanciful creation of the mythological creature now known as a same-sex attracted Christian, the Same-Sex Attracted Apostates have denied the Biblical truth that allows them to condemn the rest of these perverse, mythological Christian creatures and subcategories.

Think about it. If a same-sex attracted Christian man can be attracted to men, cuddle, hug, hold hands, kiss, live together, and raise kids together, then the same goes for all those other mythological Christians as well. An adulterer can simply explain to his wife that he’s a Neighbor’s Wife Attracted Christian; that he isn’t in sin for feeling that way or having neighbor’s wife attracted sexual orientation; that he’s going to need to fulfill his affection needs by cuddling, hugging, holding hands, and kissing the neighbor’s wife, but she shouldn’t be alarmed or complain because it isn’t sexual — it’s just sanctified neighbor’s wife affection. A pedophile can explain to the father of the 10 year old neighbor girl that he’s a Child Attracted Christian; that he isn’t in sin for feeling that way or for having child attracted sexual orientation; that he’s going to need to fulfill his affection needs through consensual cuddling, hugging, holding hands, and kissing the neighbor’s 10 year old daughter, but her father shouldn’t be alarmed or beat him within an inch of his life because it isn’t sexual — it’s just sanctified neighbor’s daughter affection.

Need I discuss the Beast of the Field Attracted Christian and the neighbor’s cow? This is perverted madness. This isn’t Christianity. No highly esteemed, highly educated, well connected TGC madman can tell me it’s not perverted madness. When you reject the Word of God all you have is madmen justifying madness — or as Matthew 15:19 says, “evil thoughts.”

Exodus 20:17 says, “You shall not covet.”

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy says men shall be attracted to men and covet the affection of men — and it’s not sin. God’s Word is clear that all outward sin begins as sin in the heart.

Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s Denial of the Power of the Holy Spirit to Regenerate and Sanctify

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy is a blasphemous denial of the regenerating, justifying, sanctifying, washing power of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and the Holy Spirit. Both the term and theological construct of “Same-Sex Attracted Christian” contradict Scripture, denying the Holy Spirit inspired warning of the very real threat of false conversion, false repentance, and a false confession of Christ as Lord — while simultaneously stealing away the certain hope of salvation as evidenced by genuine freedom from former slavery to sin through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. According to 1 Cor. 6:9 the perpetual “same-sex attracted Christian” is actually a deceived, unrepentant homosexual/sodomite attracted false convert.

Perpetual sodomite attracted “Christian” men — living together, cuddling, hugging, hand holding, kissing, and raising kids together in no way evidences genuine repentance, a genuine confession of Christ as Lord, a genuine work of the Holy Spirit, or a genuine born again Christian commitment to sanctification and holiness. It’s a form of the very deception 1 Cor. 6:9 warns of and is doomed to moral failure now and eternal judgment later. The deceptive term and theological construct of “Same-Sex Attracted Christian” needs to be abandoned entirely.

The power of the Gospel to free men and women from both the penalty and the power of sin needs to be declared, defined, and defended dogmatically. The Lord’s warning, “Do not be deceived,” must be proclaimed to those who remain enslaved to the power of sin. The Lord’s promise “such were some of you,” must be proclaimed with certain hope that there’s no sin so powerful that it overcomes the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, the power of His Gospel, and the power of the Holy Spirit Christ sent to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:7-8).

Where the Same-Sex Attracted Christian False Gospel leaves men and women enslaved to sin — Christ’s true Gospel emancipates sinners from both the eternal penalty and the present power of sin.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy is a direct contradiction of Scripture and a denial of the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit to make new creations in Christ! It denies the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit to set Christians free from old things so that the old things actually pass away! It denies the power of the Gospel and of the Holy Spirit to make all things new! It leaves men and women trapped as perpetual slaves to vile passions.

Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s Denial of God’s Commands for Sexual Purity

1 Corinthians 6:18 says,“Flee sexual immorality,” and Romans 13:14 says:“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”

*Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy turns God’s basic commands for sexual purity on their heads. Somehow we are supposed to believe there’s a different standard for “Christians” with a “gay sexual orientation.”

No Biblical pastor would ever counsel a man to live with a woman, cuddle with her in a supposedly non-sexual manner, hug her in a supposedly non-sexual manner, kiss her in a supposedly non-sexual manner, hold her hand in a supposedly non-romantic way, and lovingly raise children with her — all to fulfill intimacy needs and further “human flourishing.” That’s immoral madness, but that madness is exactly what Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy recommends for men who have vile passions for men and women who have vile passions for women.

No Biblical father would ever allow a “Christian” young man to come to him, saying, “Your daughter and I aren’t living in sin. We live together without temptation to fornicate, cuddle without lust, hug without lust, kiss without lust, hold hands, and lovingly raise children together to fulfill our intimacy needs and further “human flourishing.” That foolish young man better be wearing running shoes.

Biblical Christianity exhorts men, women, boys, and girls to, “Flee sexual immorality,” and “make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy exhorts men, women, boys, and girls to flee toward sexual immorality and to make every provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

There are countless passages of Scripture that reveal Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy’s radical denial of Biblical Christianity, but these examples more than suffice. I’ll close with a quote from our elder brother J.C. Ryle warning us against false doctrine and the danger of apostasy:

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Why Public Trust in the Church Continues to Erode

Why Public Trust in the Church Continues to Erode

For centuries, at least in the West, the church held an unparalleled position of trust and reverence. They were seen as the stewards of moral clarity in a world ever-increasing in cultural chaos. They were the shepherds who guided their flocks with conviction and...

Moody Pastor Says Mary “Gave Her Consent” to Conceive Jesus

Moody Pastor Says Mary “Gave Her Consent” to Conceive Jesus

Philip Miller, the current pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, succeeded the long-tenured Erwin Lutzer, is bringing his own pastoral approach to the historic pulpit by weaving contemporary social themes into his preaching. Before Christmas, Miller preached a sermon out...

Man in a Dress Struts Down Red Carpet at Golden Globes

Man in a Dress Struts Down Red Carpet at Golden Globes

Stop the world, I want to get off! If you needed one more nail in the coffin of Western civilization’s utter moral bankruptcy, look no further than the Golden Globes, where Jonathan Van Ness, a “Queer Eye” male star strutted down the red carpet in a gown that would...

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