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SBC Successfully Convincing Evangelicals to Embrace LGBT Special Rights

by | Mar 16, 2019 | Blog, LGBTQ Issues, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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In a recent sermon entitled, How the Fall Affects Us All, SBC President and pastor of the Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, J.D. Greear told his church that Christians must stand up for LGBT+ rights. The truth is that the sermon title is misleading. The sermon was more like an apologetic for normalizing homosexual sex and taking the stigma out of the practice. While Greear did condemn homosexual sex as sinful, he also spent a great deal of time, in fact, most of his time, trying to convince his church that homosexual sex and heterosexual sex are two sides of the same coin. Based on recent research (discussed below), J.D. Greear’s efforts are producing fruit.

A few weeks after J.D. Greear’s sermon, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries’ own Sam Allberry put on a talk in which he did all he could to destigmatize gender dysphoria. Allberry went as far as to say that Jesus suffered from identity confusion when he was on the cross. He then tried to link this imagined identity confusion with the modern phenomenon of gender dysphoria. Allberry’s approach in his presentation is extremely guarded and carefully scripted. He clearly understands the risks of showing too much of his hand too early in the game. And just as Greear’s contributions to this effort are proving fruitful, Allberry’s work is contributing with great effectiveness as well.

See also: The Slow Drift Toward LGBTQ Inclusion in Evangelical Churches

When Karen Swallow Prior affirmed her support for the goals of the Revoice Conference in 2018, it was Russell Moore who came to her defense. Not only did Prior not receive a reprimand, she was extolled and praised without qualification by Moore: “I don’t know about the Revoice Conference, but I do know” Prior “has committed herself to go anywhere and everywhere and stand up and tell the truth about God’s Word about human sexuality.”

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The Revoice Conference was an event designed to reshape the perspective and conversation of same-sex relations: few conversations today need to be revoiced more than Christian discussions about how gender and sexual minorities can make sense of their experience. Like pundits on evening news, conservative Christian leaders and their traditionalist gender and sexual minority brothers and sisters find themselves in a conversation whose posture, content, and tone are ill-suited to developing a consensus path forward.

It is not difficult to see the trajectory of these leaders. These are leaders from two of the most prominent and conservative Christian denominations on the planet. There is clearly an agenda in place and men like Greear, Moore, Allberry and the Revoice organizers are executing it with great precision and effectiveness. I am curious those of us in the churches are allowing it. We could stop giving. We could fire pastors who endorse or refuse to take a stand against these overt attacks on historic orthodox Christianity. Why don’t we? Tom Ascol is right when he says the biggest problem in the churches is the world. The world is in our churches. We have far too many false converts in the churches and we do not seem to have enough love for the body to do something about it.

A recent study by the Public Reigion Research Institute shows that most evangelicals are now in favor of LGBT privileges. 54% white evangelical protestants support broad non-discrimination laws for LGBT.

Homosexual activists’ promotion of the LGBT lifestyle is permeating the values of Americans as new pro-LGBT legislation continues to pass, granting the LGBT community more and more legal privileges that force others to support them in financial matters and abide by special laws giving them more protections than the average citizen.

What is incredibly ironic in all this is that this is clearly NOT a two-way street. The attitude from the LGBT community toward religious liberty is remarkably hostile. When religious liberty clashes with LGBT rights, there is no hesitation on the part of that community to say that the latter must surrender to the former. The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled specifically that LGBT rights trump religious freedom. President Trump recently promised to help religious adoption agencies to continue to serve this need by ensuring that he will not allow or regulations that would prohibit these agencies from continuing to place children in a manner that is consistent with their deeply held values. In other words, the administration is not going to allow the LGBT crowd to shut down these agencies because they refuse to place children in same sex environments. The LGBT agenda is working incredibly hard to limit or destroy religious freedom in American culture by imposing their own values on the churches and seminaries as well as religious agencies. At the same time, the leaders of these very churches, seminaries and agencies are doing all they can to increase the strength and muscle and influence of the LGBT lobby. It is one of the most ironic narratives I have ever seen.

Robert Gagnon recently shared an article on Facebook penned by Monica Burke on seven reasons why the Equality Act is anything but about equality. She lists seven reasons:

  1. It would penalize Americans who do not affirm the new sexual norms or gender ideology.
  2. It would compel speech. (refusal to use masculine pronouns for females who want to identify as male)
  3. It could shut down charities. (refusal to supply adoption serves to same-sex couples)
  4. It would allow more biological males to defeat biological females in sports.
  5. It could be used to coerce medical professionals.
  6. It could lead to more parents losing custody of their children.
  7. It would enable sexual assault (boys using girls restrooms).

SBC and PCA leaders like Russell Moore, J.D. Greear, and Tim Keller need to be called to give an account for their work because it provides fuel to this movement in the name of Christ’s church.

Rom 12: 2 informs us: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

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