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Southern Baptist President Exchanging the Truth About God for a Lie

by | Feb 26, 2019 | Abortion, Blog, Politics, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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JD Greear is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he’s the fresh new hip face of New Calvinism (which really isn’t Calvinism at all) that the millennial generation so desperately desires. Greear is the modern face of our current Evangelical atmosphere that desires cultural relevance, a wide reach, and a broad range of inclusiveness that would have all of the apostles turning in their graves. In a nutshell, Greear represents the progressive New Evangelicalism.

The modern mantra of the current wave of millennial churchgoers is inclusivity. We want to make everyone feel welcome — and by that, we mean we don’t want to offend anyone by being too harsh on sin.

Greear, in his first year of presidency, has made it his primary mission to dissuade the current generation of Christians from staunch adherence to historic, biblical, orthodox Christian beliefs on the gravity and heinousness of certain sins so that Christianity will be more palatable to a wider range of people. A few weeks ago, Greear preached a sermon on Romans 1 — by far the harshest passage in the entire Bible on the sin of sexual immorality — just to reduce the sin to a mere transgression. In other words, Greear tried to convince us that homosexuality and other sexual immorality was morally equivalent to boasting and materialism.

Yet, from that very passage he preached from, he failed to acknowledge the very sin he was committing during his sermon, exchanging the truth for a lie.

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… because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.Romans 1:25

You see, Greear doesn’t want the massive amounts of homosexuals in his in multi-campus megachurch with thousands — tens of thousands — of attendees to feel overtly out of place there. Why? Because it’s culturally acceptable to be inclusive. While Greear can’t get away with outright affirming homosexuality, he can get away with reducing the heinousness of it to something as menial as speeding. Which, of course, is a lie.

As a matter of fact, the same passage he preached this sermon from actually teaches the exact opposite of the things he was saying, and also taught that because he is saying these things, that he is morally culpable for those who practice these things.

Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.Romans 1:32

But it doesn’t end there — it is commonplace for Greear and these millennial leaders to exchange truth, water it down, or outright lie for political gain. They are progressives and lack the intestinal fortitude to hold a sincere position on anything. Just like when Mark Dever recently said that “single-issue voting” is responsible for racial disunity — essentially attempting to make us believe that it is morally acceptable to exchange unborn human life for government policies that support minority welfare programs — JD Greear recently stated abortion isn’t a Republican or Democrat issue.

Responding to recent legislation that would protect aborted children who were born alive and guarantee them medical care — which was overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats — Greear essentially withholds the truth about the issue in order to not alienate the growing, massive number of liberal Democrats now filling evangelical pews.

In short, JD Greear is attempting to build bridges between between Pagans and Christians.

Of course, it is a Democrat issue because Democrats overwhelmingly oppose life and support the murder of children. What possible spiritual gain is there to refuse to acknowledge this simple truth? But this is the leadership we have, and sadly many of the conservatives have fallen prey to the new progressive, Marxist movement in their churches. The only thing we can do is continue to stand bold against it, speak biblical truth into the apostasy, and trust God to remain in control. He will.

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