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Gay Activists Petitioning Hillsong to Come Clean on its LGBTQ Policy

by | Feb 22, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Hillsong is a multi-site megachurch with dozens of campuses and affiliated churches around the world — arguably the largest Church in the world, if not, in itself a denomination. The megachurch is built upon a foundation of entertainment that draws big names like Justin Bieber, Bono, and Selena Gomez, among others, through it’s watered down preaching and nuanced stances on controversial issues.

In fact, the reason some celebrities say they love Hillsong is because they don’t preach the Bible, or, in the words of Jax Taylor, “that book with Moses and all that stuff.”

There is an interesting phenomenon going on at Hillsong right now to watch, however. In Hillsong’s efforts to straddle the fence on doctrinal issues by not taking a clear stance on anything, their attempt to remain relevant to both the world and the Church appears to be backfiring.

In the last few weeks, Lesbian actor and activist, Ellen Page has repeatedly gone after Chris Pratt essentially calling him a sell-out because he attends Hillsong which she has deemed to be “infamously anti-LGBTQ.” What’s interesting to note, however, is that the orthodox Christian Church considers Hillsong to be one of the most compromised “Christian” institutions when it comes to LGBTQ. In fact, what Makes Hillsong not a Christian church is their lack of clarity — and submission to biblical authority — on important doctrinal issues, such as LGBTQ.

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Bottom line, in their attempt to remain relevant to everyone, they have essentially become irrelevant to everyone.

However, now, gay activists are calling on Hillsong to clearly state their policy on homosexuality and other sexually deviant behaviors. In a petition online, it is stated that,

Hillsong has gone to great lengths to hide its anti-gay policies, which appear nowhere on its website. Instead, they’re responding to criticism with a new statement that vaguely describes themselves as “an inclusive Christian church that loves, values and welcomes all people.”

As an orthodox Christian believer, I, too, would ask them to clarify their position. I suspect they won’t, because they know that it is a lose-lose situation for them. If they come out clearly in favor of homosexuality, they lost the Church and the millions of dollars churches spend on their music. If the come out declaring a biblical stance against homosexuality — and let’s face it, they won’t — then they lose the world they’ve spent some much time building bridges with.

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

Mark 8:36

You can view (and sign, if you like) the petition here.

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