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Pro-Gay Jesuit Catholic Priest Wins LGBT Leadership Award

by | Jan 25, 2019 | Abortion, Blog, Politics, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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SOUTH BEND, Ind. (ChurchMilitant.com) – Pro-gay Jesuit celebrity priest Fr. James Martin is receiving an award from an LGBT alumni group at the University of Notre Dame.

The notorious pro-LGBT Jesuit priest will be receiving the Thomas A. Dooley Award from a nationwide alumni group called the Gay and Lesbian Alumni of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College (GALA-ND).

GALA-ND promotes the homosexual agenda on Notre Dame’s campus, in part by funding and supporting PrismND, the university’s official LGBT outreach organization.

The award ceremony is slated for Saturday, March 30 at Notre Dame as part of GALA-ND’s 2019 “LGBT Leadership Award Weekend.”

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Also receiving awards from the pro-LGBT group are South Bend’s pro-abortion Democrat mayor, Pete Buttigieg, and pro-gay attorney John Sullivan.

Buttigieg is a gay man and is “married” to his homosexual partner. In 2018, Buttigieg worked to block a pro-life pregnancy center from opening next to an abortion mill in South Bend.

Sullivan, meanwhile, is a Notre Dame Law School grad who has fought for the legal recognition of homosexual “marriage.” Sullivan has worked for the so-called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the largest pro-LGBT lobbying group in the United States. 

GALA-ND noted that Fr. Martin will not be physically present for the award ceremony, saying, “Father Martin will be accepting his award virtually from NYC.”


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