In Webster, MA, police chief, Michael Shaw stood in solidarity against the rampant injustice against black people by white police officers in police departments around the world.
Okay, wait. That’s not true. Let’s rephrase that. In Webster, MA, police chief, Michael Shaw joined a bunch of other white virtue-signalers in laying down on his belly to surrender to militant anarchist groups like Black Lives Matter for nothing more than the grave sin of being born white. It’s not a joke. It’s not satire. Police departments around the country are caving in to the demands of extremists that have taken over the narrative of injustice and exploited the death of George Floyd for nothing other than political gain.
Watch as Shaw lays on his belly with his hands behind his back as Black Lives Matter groups chant their approval of his surrender.
Any police chief that does this is not worthy of his office and should resign immediately. What makes this worse is that these anarchist groups are being enabled by Evangelical leaders like David Platt, Thabiti Anyabwile, Ed Stetzer, and Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear.
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