Imagine living in a world so consumed by political hysteria that some women are now permanently sterilizing themselves because of an election outcome. In response to Donald Trump’s presidency—or the mere fear of what they believe it represents—certain self-proclaimed...
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Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry
Public schools are quickly becoming Satanic temples. Don’t believe me? Look at Edgewood Elementary in Marysville, Ohio, where they’ve rolled out the red carpet for The Satanic Temple’s new “Hellion Academy of Independent Learning.” An actual program named HAIL is now...
False Teacher of the Day #59: Matthew L Stevenson III
Matthew Stevenson, the self-appointed prophet and spiritual guru of the All Nations Worship Assembly empire, is not just a false teacher—he is a charlatan of the highest order. With a ministry built on emotional manipulation, pseudo-theological ramblings, and a...
America’s Embrace of Assisted Suicide is National Suicide
Many people here in America have heard of assisted suicide and believe that it is something that doesn’t really happen here. It’s the kind of thing you imagine in some dystopian novel or a distant land where human life is treated like a commodity, bartered away in the...
Breaking Down Andy Stanley’s Latest Heresy
In Andy Stanley’s latest sermon, he makes several claims that are either outright heretical or lead to heresy when taken to its logical conclusion. I would like to break these claims down and address them point by point. "When the New Testament authors began writing,...
Listen to This Trash, Blasphemous Creed to “Non-Binary” “Jesus”
Listen to this trash from these hellbound heathens pretending to be a church—a “non-binary God” with plural pronouns, as if the One who thundered from Sinai is now taking cues from Twitter pronoun bios. They repeat this “creed” to their “non-binary” “Jesus.”I believe...
Five Signs a Church is Going Woke
The creeping plague of wokeness has infiltrated many churches like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It doesn’t always announce itself with a flashing neon sign but seeps in, subtly reframing priorities, redefining terms, and reinterpreting Scripture. What typically begins...
Are Elon Musk’s SpaceX Ambitions a Modern Repeat of the Tower of Babel?
As the preacher tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9: "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." Imagine a world filled with people, daring and brash, piling brick upon brick, mortar upon mortar,...
Reconciling God’s Mercy With His Wrath
People—those who are far more ignorant of the Scriptures than they care to admit—love to claim that the Bible presents two contradictory images of God. They point to the loving Jesus who embraced sinners and then to the wrathful God who commanded...
False Teacher, Tony Campolo, Hears Dreaded Words: “Depart From Me…”
Tony Campolo has breathed his last. On November 19, 2024, at the age of 89, the man who spent decades bending the gospel to the will of culture passed into eternity—an eternity that his teachings betrayed. On that day, Campolo heard those dreaded words from the Lord,...
Bombshell Study Confirms That Nearly 74 Percent of Post-Vaccine Deaths Were Directly Caused by Vaccine
It’s been a while since I’ve written about “the vaccine,” but this is surprising news, relevant to us all. Especially in light of the article I recently published about the media hiding the truth from us. But a bombshell study has emerged, and it confirms what many...
Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy
You’ve heard of deconstruction, it’s a term being tossed around increasingly frequently within Christian circles. But what exactly is deconstruction? It’s the trendy, intellectual-sounding label for what’s really just old-fashioned doubt dressed up in new clothes....
Union Seminary Performs Last Supper in Drag, Mocks Communion, and Mocks Christ
Union Theological Seminary held a "Drag Communion" event in their chapel, featuring drag performers presiding over the Lord’s Table while attendees were invited to dress in drag or any other “fabulous” way they saw fit.The event promised to explore the “queerness” of...
FEMA Director Compared Trump Signs to Vicious Dogs to Justify Skipping Homes. Are Bibles Next?
As if we needed another reminder of how far the left is willing to go to punish their ideological opponents, the news out of Florida is yet another ugly revelation. FEMA, the federal agency supposedly tasked with providing life-saving disaster relief, has been exposed...
Russell Moore Compares Trump Voters to Porn Addicts Seeking Physical Gratification
For the better part of a decade, Russell Moore has performed like a self-important opera queen—a four-hundred-pound monster teetering on sequined heels, a glittering spectacle of vanity, belting out overwrought laments to an audience no one can see. His hand-wringing,...
Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has made headlines across the religious and secular worlds alike. Touted as a significant spiritual milestone, the event was live-streamed—for maximum...
Al Mohler Says He “Hopes and Prays” Jimmy Carter is Born Again
Jimmy Carter is a name synonymous with many things—39th President of the United States, peanut farmer, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and self-professed devout Christian. Yet, for all the accolades and self-proclaimed humility that have long bolstered his reputation, his...
Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for “Harm” He Caused by “Purity Culture”
Joshua Harris—a name that once graced bestseller lists and pulpits—has long been a illustration of peril for those wary of celebrity Christianity. Even before his public renunciation of the faith, many of us saw the writing on the wall. The Christian world has...
Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
There’s a reason some Christmas hymns endure for centuries. They don’t merely entertain or evoke warm holiday feelings—they proclaim truth. Continuing my series on Christmas hymns, I now turn my attention to one of those rare gems—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. It...
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