Trends in Christendom seem to come and go like different style haircuts. It's like every time you turn around, you see...
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Results for "hillsong cult"
SBC President J.D. Greear Promotes Word of Faith Heretic, Christine Caine
Sex trafficking is bad. Watching porn is bad. And watching television shows that include pornographic scenes -- like...
Should Christians Listen to Bethel Music? Hear What Al Mohler Says About It.
It's been a recurring question that gets asked repeatedly in Evangelical circles; should we listen to music that has...
Top Ten False Teachers You’ll Find in Evangelical Churches
False teachers are everywhere -- they're a dime a dozen. The Bible tells us that in the last days, many false prophets...
Christine Caine, Be Silent
I didn't say it. God said it. If you have a problem with it, take it up with God. If you're a believer, then you...
Kari Jobe’s Sexualizing of God’s Love and Word of Faith Heresy
Kari Jobe is a popular musician being promoted in churches, especially to our youth. Jobe, out of seeker-sensitive NAR...

Mike Todd’s Latest Spectacle, a Cringeworthy Innuendo-Filled Valentine’s Day Song
Mike Todd has been off the radar for a while, but every now and then, he rears his head, begging for a response to something so cringeworthy—and blasphemous—that it demands attention. You may remember Mike Todd from that time he turned tithing into a million-dollar...

Hatred for Christianity is Fueled From Within
There was a time when mocking God was a dangerous business. There was a time when scorning His people carried a cost. And there was a time when conservative Christians in America weren’t the preferred punching bags of Hollywood’s sneering elites. But that time is long...

Rick Warren Backpedals on Idiotic “Jesus in the Middle” Tweet, Digs Hole Deeper
Rick Warren stepped in it, and now he’s scrambling to clean up the mess. A few days ago, he tweeted out a mind-numbingly shallow take, twisting John 19:18 into a ham-fisted political metaphor, suggesting that the "real Jesus," because he was crucified between two...

Rick Warren Claims Jesus Was a Political Centrist Because He Was Crucified Between Two Thieves
Rick Warren has never been known for theological depth, but every once in a while, he manages to produce something so astoundingly ridiculous that it demands a response. His latest tweet is a shining example. In a bizarre attempt at political commentary, Warren claims...
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