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Baby Girl Rescued After Being Buried Alive in Field in India

Baby Girl Rescued After Being Buried Alive in Field in India

A newborn baby girl has been rescued by shocked locals after being found buried alive in a field in India. The newborn was buried in a field in Khatima, a town in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, when she was spotted by a labourer. According to reports, the labourer...

Lecrae Holds Babies Hostage for Ransom Money from White People

Lecrae Holds Babies Hostage for Ransom Money from White People

Lecrae, the ex-Christian rapper who has joined the ranks of the secular left to promote a "woke" and anti-gospel leftist agenda, complain about how black people don't have an opportunity to become wealthy in America -- despite the fact he's swimming in millions -- and...

New Zealand to Introduce Extreme Assisted Suicide Law

New Zealand to Introduce Extreme Assisted Suicide Law

New Zealand has voted to introduce an extreme assisted suicide law in a binding public referendum. Preliminary results, announced by the country’s electoral commission today, show 65.2% of voters supported the End of Life Choice Act coming into force as a...

Voting and the Christian Ethic

Voting and the Christian Ethic

In this extended episode, I rant about what your voting behavior reveals about your beliefs and what your beliefs tell us about your Christianity. Do you embrace the version of Christianity that is supernaturally revealed in Scripture or have you unwittingly embraced...