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The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

The world today is flooded with distorted depictions and representations of Jesus Christ. In a quest for relevancy and appeal, modern culture, and even most modern churches, have twisted the figure of Jesus into something more palatable, more in line with human...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IX: Superficial Unity

In the fascinating journey through the snares that entangle the modern church, the lure of "Cultural Appeasement" in Part VIII highlighted the ways in which church leaders and congregations can be ensnared by the desire to satisfy worldly desires. Now, we turn our...

5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered

5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered

In the modern age, it's not uncommon to find churches falling into a pattern of cheesy, shallow worship music. The superficiality of these songs often reveals much about the theology in the church itself. When a church preaches and a congregation subscribes to shallow...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VIII: Cultural Appeasement

In Part VII of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we delved into the pitfalls of "Cultural Relevance," where the church, in its quest to be relatable, risks compromising core beliefs. Now, in Part VIII, we navigate the treacherous waters of "Cultural...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love

The pages of Scripture are permeated with a resplendent theme: the inestimable and unspeakable love of God. This love cascades through time and eternity, an everlasting torrent of grace and mercy. We are taught even as little children the profound simplicity of love,...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism

Continuing our series on the snares confronting the modern church, we now delve into the subtle yet pernicious snare of clericalism. This term, perhaps unfamiliar to some, captures a dynamic that, unfortunately, is far too familiar within the walls of many...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)

Snares of the Modern Church, Part III: Consumer Christianity

As we continue our exploration of the snares of the modern church, a challenging, yet important, topic comes to the fore: Consumer Christianity. This term, while perhaps unfamiliar to some, paints a vivid picture of a troubling trend. It points to the conversion of...

Pope Francis Affirms “Transgenderism”

Pope Francis Affirms “Transgenderism”

In an unsurprising assault on biblical truth and Christian orthodoxy, the Roman Catholic Pope Francis has yet again aligned himself with the cultural zeitgeist, telling a young transvestite that "God loves us as we are." According to an article in the Vatican's own...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part X: Self-Importance (God Needs Us)

Snares of the Modern Church: Part I

This is the first in a series of articles I intend to publish involving the snares, or the enticing traps, that modern Christians face. In this first article, I will be covering three of them. But the driving focus of all of them will be that we must rely solely on...

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