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False Teacher of the Day #59: Kathryn Krick

False Teacher of the Day #59: Kathryn Krick

While we here at The Dissenter along with other discernment ministries have been sounding the alarm on her for some time, any False Teacher of the Day series would be woefully incomplete without a full expose on “Apostle” Kathryn Krick. After all, this self-styled...

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating

Paula White is trash. There, I said it. She's a false teacher, a peddler of snake oil, a carnival barker draped in pseudo-Christian robes, hawking a gospel of greed with all the theological depth of a used car salesman promising that a lemon will last forever. She is...

Check Out the New “Jesus Mecha Christ” “Transformer” Toy

Check Out the New “Jesus Mecha Christ” “Transformer” Toy

A transforming Christ-meets-mecha toy? Yes, the “Jesus Mecha Christ” transforming toy actually exists. It's like someone sat down and said, “How can I mock both God and basic decency in one fell swoop?” This isn’t art or satire—it’s an abomination born from the unholy...

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

You’ve heard of deconstruction, it’s a term being tossed around increasingly frequently within Christian circles. But what exactly is deconstruction? It’s the trendy, intellectual-sounding label for what’s really just old-fashioned doubt dressed up in new clothes....

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