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So “Secular Churches” are Actually Becoming a Thing?

So “Secular Churches” are Actually Becoming a Thing?

In the whimsical world of today's headlines, the Milwaukee Independent shines a spotlight on what might be the ultimate oxymoron of the 21st century: atheist churches. Imagine, if you will, congregations gathering with all the trappings of religion—sans the pesky...

What Does it Mean that Jesus “Became Sin” For Us?

What Does it Mean that Jesus “Became Sin” For Us?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Thus, the Bible, a divine tapestry woven with complex and deeply layered threads, stands as a testament to the unfathomable wisdom of the Almighty. For it is written, "Study to show...

What is Biblical Worship?

What is Biblical Worship?

In the vast majority of modern churches, what passes as "worship" falls short of being true worship where the standard practice in Evangelical megachurches on Sunday mornings is to put on a rock concert that aims to stir up emotions and elicit positive feelings from...

Is Anyone Righteous, Even One? What Does the Bible Say?

Is Anyone Righteous, Even One? What Does the Bible Say?

Romans 3:10 states, "As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one.'" To understand this verse, we must first consider the broader context of the book of Romans as a whole. Written by the Apostle Paul, the New Testament book of Romans is widely regarded...