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False Teacher of the Day #59: Kathryn Krick

False Teacher of the Day #59: Kathryn Krick

While we here at The Dissenter along with other discernment ministries have been sounding the alarm on her for some time, any False Teacher of the Day series would be woefully incomplete without a full expose on “Apostle” Kathryn Krick. After all, this self-styled...

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating

Paula White is trash. There, I said it. She's a false teacher, a peddler of snake oil, a carnival barker draped in pseudo-Christian robes, hawking a gospel of greed with all the theological depth of a used car salesman promising that a lemon will last forever. She is...

Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

There’s a reason some Christmas hymns endure for centuries. They don’t merely entertain or evoke warm holiday feelings—they proclaim truth. Continuing my series on Christmas hymns, I now turn my attention to one of those rare gems—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. It...

Santa is Competing With Christ for the Worship of Your Children

Santa is Competing With Christ for the Worship of Your Children

Every December, a rotund figure clad in red velvet descends upon the collective conscience of Western civilization, not through chimneys as legend would have us believe, but through malls, movies, and mantelpieces. His name is Santa Claus—a jolly old saint, they call...

Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger

Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger

Previously, I wrote an article calling for discernment while scrutinizing the lyrics of the popular Christmas song, Mary Did You Know? I knew it would be a provocative piece, as it was meant to be. However, my intent was not to dissuade you from enjoying these tunes,...

Liberal Feminists Protest Trump Administration by Sterilizing Themselves

Liberal Feminists Protest Trump Administration by Sterilizing Themselves

Imagine living in a world so consumed by political hysteria that some women are now permanently sterilizing themselves because of an election outcome. In response to Donald Trump’s presidency—or the mere fear of what they believe it represents—certain self-proclaimed...

Reconciling God’s Mercy With His Wrath

Reconciling God’s Mercy With His Wrath

People—those who are far more ignorant of the Scriptures than they care to admit—love to claim that the Bible presents two contradictory images of God. They point to the loving Jesus who embraced sinners and then to the wrathful God who commanded...

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

You’ve heard of deconstruction, it’s a term being tossed around increasingly frequently within Christian circles. But what exactly is deconstruction? It’s the trendy, intellectual-sounding label for what’s really just old-fashioned doubt dressed up in new clothes....

Major UK Retail Chain Pulls Blasphemous Merchandise After Backlash

Major UK Retail Chain Pulls Blasphemous Merchandise After Backlash

Debenhams, sort of a UK version of JC Penney, has chosen this Christmas season to unveil a revolting new way to insult Christians. The controversy centers on a line of so-called "festive" merchandise emblazoned with the phrase "A Gay in a Manger." Among the worst...

How the Steven Lawson Scandal is Good for the Church

How the Steven Lawson Scandal is Good for the Church

Steven J. Lawson, a name synonymous with doctrinal precision, rock-solid Reformed theology, and more respect in the conference circuit than most people can imagine, has fallen. The man many considered an indomitable force of gospel preaching has become the latest...

Kamala’s Bizarre Plea to God to Help Women Access Abortions

Kamala’s Bizarre Plea to God to Help Women Access Abortions

When Kamala Harris launched her “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour in Wisconsin last week, she invoked God in a bizarre plea for mothers who supposedly suffer the “unimaginable burden” of traveling to end their unborn children’s lives. Just ten years ago, such...

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