In an era of swirling cultural currents and shifting societal sands, the faithful are urged to stay vigilant. The temptation to forsake the timeless message of the gospel for fleeting trends is ever-present, and one such movement, laden with anti-gospel and...
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The Divine Call to Stand Firm in Biblical Conviction in a Corrupt and Compromising World
The story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, is a powerful illustration of unwavering commitment to the truth in the face of opposition. As a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5), Stephen boldly proclaimed the message of Christ to a hostile audience....
After Promoting “Bring Your Bible to School Day,” NFL Player Drew Brees Caves to LGBTQ Mafia
If you think the militant LGBTQ mafia isn’t powerful, you’re wrong. Those given over to the lusts of their hearts are given over to and controlled by forces of darkness. And they are powerful. They will crush anyone who dissents from their propaganda and ideological...
Greg Laurie Says God Loves to Hear Prayers From People of All Faiths, Not Just Christians
In a day and age when hurting people's feelings is seen as the worst possible crime against humanity one can possibly commit, the Evangelical Church is leading the way in the world's efforts to displease God. From embracing secular worldviews such as identity politics...
Cross-dressing Man Runs in NCAA DI Cross Country Women’s Team
A man who pumps himself full of testosterone suppression drugs and dresses like a girl has received overwhelming support from his female teammates on his college cross-country running team. Juniper Eastwood, who was assigned male at birth -- and is still a male, no...
Mark Dever’s Church Teaches Sunday School Class on Social Justice, Identity Politics, and White Privilege
Our goal: not to offer one policy recommendation or another, but, again, to sensitize you to the reality of group dynamics and what it means for justice.Capitol Hill Baptist Church Sunday School Lesson It is no secret that the Southern Baptist Convention and the...
Benny Hinn Confesses He’s Been Preaching a False Gospel, “I’m Correcting My Theology”
A while back, Reformation Charlotte reported that Joyce Meyer, the notorious false prophetess who preaches a prosperity gospel had admitted that she'd been preaching a false gospel for a long time. In a shocking a video, Benny Hinn admitted that he's been preaching a...
As Kenneth Copeland Rebukes Dorian, Dorian Gains Strength as it Pounds the Bahamas
Kenneth Copeland is a false prophet who claims he has the power to rebuke the weather in the name of God. In 2017, Copeland and his wife, Gloria infamously rebuked Hurricane Harvey which did absolutely nothing. Harvey continued its course, inflicting around $125...
Lesbian Priest Says Abortion is a Blessing and Gives Out Free Gas Cards Women They Can Travel to Other States to Get Them
In an age where rebellion against God is becoming ever increasingly clear among God-haters, the natural desire to seek out death -- that which is opposed to the life of God -- is rampant. Whether it be mass shootings, suicide, or the murderous act of abortion, death...
The Knowledge of Fools
But while knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church. Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much. (1 Corinthians 8:1b-2) If you think you know a lot, you over-estimate yourself. Proud knowledge is...
World’s Most Moronic Democrat Doesn’t Understand How Electric Cars Work
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ranks in the top 3 of history's most moronic Democrats ever to plague the American political landscape. In an amazing display of lunacy, she posted the following (now deleted) tweet. She must have taken down this tweet after someone explained...
David Platt’s Church Rivals Elevation Church For Number of Spontaneous Sunday Baptisms
In a Southern Baptist Convention that is clearly declining in membership, especially in truly regenerate membership, it seems as though efforts are being made across the board to bolster the baptism count in order to secure new members for ever-growing mega-churches....
Jude 3 Project Founder, Lisa Fields, Equates American Slavery to the Fall of Adam
Lisa Fields is the founder of the Jude 3 Project, an organization which says it is dedicated to "current issues and the intellectual struggles of Christians of African descent in the United States and abroad." Fields is a favorite among leftist groups such as The...
New Video Exposes the Marxist Agenda of Matthew Hall and Southern Seminary
Al Mohler is the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) and recently insisted that nobody would be allowed to teach at his institution who espouses the Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory. The Federalist quoted Mohler as saying, "no one is...
New Scientific Study: There Is No “Gay Gene”
Liberals, feminists, and gays have been arguing for as long as homosexuality has existed that homosexuals are "born that way." Well, a new scientific study shows that that simply isn't true. While the Bible speaks clearly on the issue, that God's design for human...
SBTS Professor Admits That Critical Race Theory Shaped His View on Justice
No one is going to be teaching at Southern Seminary from ‘the other side,’ of post-modern, critical theory.Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary There is no denying that the Southern Baptist Convention has been overtaken by a Marxist movement...
Steven Furtick Says God Reflects His Image
When Steven Furtick says things, it's often easy to just write it off as him "saying dumb things" without thinking, or just complete ignorance. However, it's coming fascinatingly clear that Steven Furtick believes himself to be higher than God. In a previous post, we...
The Polytheism and Self-Deception of Mormons
I interact often with Mormons on the question of whether they are polytheists. They deny it, though they willingly say that they believe that there is an unknown number of gods in addition to their god. However, they say that doesn't make them polytheists because they...
CRU Speaker Has Stadium of White People Get Up and Lament Their Skin Color
Social justice is the new Evangelical gospel. Social justice is not new, but it is a relatively new phenomenon sweeping the Evangelical Church as a whole. The social justice gospel -- which could also be rightly defined as the gospel of envy -- has an inherent focus...
As the Presidential Campaign Season Gears Up, Evangelicals Pretend to be Non-Political While Campaigning Against Trump
Just like when Donald Trump ran his first campaign, the New Progressive Evangelical movement launched an anti-conservative "never-Trump" campaign against him. At the heart of the Evangelical anti-Trump movement was Russell Moore, the Southern Baptist Ethics and...
Pastor Joins Stripper to Raise Funds to Aid Illegal Aliens
[fvplayer id="33"] In the endless push for open borders in America by the Evangelical Church, denominations across the entire theological spectrum have been teaming up to oppose the current president and garner support for progressive policies that would effect such...
Rick Joyner Admits He Knew Todd Bentley Practiced Sexual Immorality
In recent days, Todd Bentley has been accused by a close former associate of sexual immorality, including homosexual activity. It was brought to light that not only did Bentley allegedly continually engage in these immoral behaviors, but that other well-known friends...