In a performance worthy of her self-anointed status as America’s spiritual guide, Oprah Winfrey took the stage at the DNC to deliver what can only be described as a sermon on the sanctity of abortion. With the gravitas of a high priestess delivering her divine...
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Op Ed: The DNC’s “Gender-Neutral Prayer Rooms” is a Metaphor for the Democrat Party Itself
In the latest chapter of the DNC’s ongoing saga of spectacular contradictions and performative wokeness, we are now treated to the marvel of a "gender-neutral prayer room" at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It’s bad enough that the women’s...
Christianity Today Hires Cussing, N-word Using, Marijuana Promoter as “Big Tent” Director
You know it’s time to grab the nearest wall to bang your head against when you hear the latest news from Christianity Today. In a move that makes you question whether they’ve completely lost their minds—or perhaps their Bibles—the once-somewhat respected, somewhat...
Phil “Veggie Tales” Vischer Compares Gun Ownership to Unfettered Abortions at the DNC
Phil Vischer, the creator of the children’s cartoon series VeggieTales—who is now better known for peddling bad doctrine under the guise of Christian-themed entertainment—has taken a nosedive into the depths of woke madness. Vischer has solidified his place among the...
Evangelicals for Harris Praises “Pro-Choice Pastor” for Preaching “We Are All God’s Children” at DNC
Historically, Christianity was the foundation of Western civilization, shaping its very core with civilization drawing from its worldview—everything from science to business ethics to sound logic and reason. But today, a sinister new cult has slithered into every...
Church of England is Coming Clean, Dropping “Church” From the Names of its Congregations
The Church of England—once a pillar of Christian orthodoxy—has become a parody of its former self, bending over backward to appease a world that couldn’t care less. Established by Henry VIII’s ego-driven break from Rome, this institution has now traded the gospel for...
Texas “Church” Holds Drag Queen Bingo Event to Fund LGBT Pride Group
That places parading as "churches" have handed themselves over to Satan and his legion of homosexual sycophants isn't exactly breaking news anymore. These dens of iniquity, teeming with demonic influence, proudly flaunt their "gay pride" as if it were a divine...
The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization
Over the last year or so, we’ve been reporting that the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, had adopted a new mantra in its abortion rhetoric—“making abortion unthinkable.” Yet, the ERLC, under the guise of defending...
Women in Southern Baptist Pulpits? Southern Baptists, You Own This
In June 2023, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) appeared to take what we thought might be a decisive stand against the creeping influence of progressivism within its ranks by voting to amend its constitution to explicitly ban women pastors. What turned out to be...
Missouri to Place “Right to Abortion at Any Time of a Pregnancy” on Ballot for Constitutional Amendment
Missouri's Amendment 3—the latest brainchild of the so-called "champions of freedom," who seem to have mistaken a graveyard for the land of the free and the home of the brave. Here we go again, with the same old song and dance, where "reproductive rights" apparently...
Evangelical “White Guilt” Apostle, Latasha Morrison, Canonizes Kamala Harris During “Evangelicals for Harris” Call
Evangelicalism’s “White Guilt” apostle, Latasha Morrison—what can be said that isn’t already obvious to anyone paying attention? She’s the founder of "Be the Bridge," a so-called Christian organization that is primarily concerned with cultivating white guilt within...
“Evangelicals for Harris” Wants Us To Believe Kamala is a “Faithful and Committed Christian”
Imagine, if you will, a group of people so detached from reality that they’ve decided Kamala Harris—a politician whose life and career is a veritable checklist of anti-Christian sentiment and policies—is actually a "faithful and committed Christian." Enter...
Abortion Makes Men “More Free” Claims US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg
The left's favorite queer political escort, Pete Buttigieg, is giving standing ovations to Kamala Harris for making "freedom" the centerpiece of her campaign. In a video clip that oozes with the same kind of insincere charm you'd expect from a seasoned hustler,...
The Gospel Coalition Publishes Article Painting Critical Theory as Biblical and Christian
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is one of the Evangelical’s trunk lines for piping in worldliness and carnality straight into the heart of the church. If the three-ring circus that operates the organization isn’t busy finding gospel themes in Barbie or comparing Taylor...
A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: Part II – Racism and Black Lives Matter
Welcome to Part II of our ongoing series dissecting JD Greear's response to Megan Basham’s book, Shepherds for Sale. In Part I, we tackled Greear's contention regarding his infamous statement that the Bible "whispers" about sexual sin. We exposed how Greear, rather...
America’s Largest False Church to Expand Empire Into Hillsong Territory, Sydney, Australia
Bethel Church in Redding, California, pastored by Bill Johnson and co-pastored by Kris Vallotton—men who arrogantly believe themselves to be “prophets” and “Apostles”—has earned its reputation as a factory of spiritual fraudulence. This is the same Bethel that gave us...
How the Steven Lawson Scandal is Good for the Church
Steven J. Lawson, a name synonymous with doctrinal precision, rock-solid Reformed theology, and more respect in the conference circuit than most people can imagine, has fallen. The man many considered an indomitable force of gospel preaching has become the latest...
Kamala’s Bizarre Plea to God to Help Women Access Abortions
When Kamala Harris launched her “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour in Wisconsin last week, she invoked God in a bizarre plea for mothers who supposedly suffer the “unimaginable burden” of traveling to end their unborn children’s lives. Just ten years ago, such...
The Scene of America’s Political Establishment: A Covert Glimpse into the Swamp
Picture this: the scorching Florida sun glaring down upon an endless line of scaly, ravenous reptiles, their gnarled bodies splayed across the banks of a green, murky swamp. Hundreds, thousands, of alligators, tangled in a slithering, heaving mess, their mouths agape...
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